I Dunno. YOU Tell ME.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005 6 comments
Weighing heavily on my mind these days is the lack of fresh material for this here website. Well, not really. I mean, I'm concerned, but it's not keeping me up at nights. Hmm. Maybe I'm a poser? Anyway, I'm a champion exagerrater. (<-- Not a word) It's what I do. So, yes...my inability to surpass the challenges faced by this troublesome creative ebb annoys me, much like the calcium deposits my eyeballs insist on installing on my contact lenses. Every time I blink it's "Ouch...Ouch...Ouch...OuchOuch."

I'm much better in a conversation; in a give-and-take situation. I'm good at bouncing off other people. So, I think that's a little exercise I'm going to employ here on TwerpsWorld. I'm asking for your help in my quest. Raiding windmills gets fucking exhausting. I need something tangible to rise up to, kids.

Help Dee.

It's very simple really and will only take a moment of your time. YOU tell ME what you think I should write about. Or, you know, start up a conversation. I dunno. I think it might help.

THIS IS ME REACHING OUT. Don't leave me hanging, y'all!



  • Anonymous said...

    Dear Danielle,

    Can a "Choco Taco" really be considered an actual taco?

    Frustrated in the Frozen Foods Aisle

  • matt said...

    The Residents have a song called Sinister Exaggerator, so it is a word :)

  • CJ Sorg said...

    I'm hitting the same empty subject vault on my blog. What I'm finding is that I'm gonna have to be more uhmmm... more specific about certain things. My beliefs, my ideas on right and wrong...that sort of thing.

    Everytime I get an idea for a blog entry I write it down and I'll usually have a little list of things to draw from.

    One of my favorite things to do is post new artwork (come on - you know you want to make some idiot art), and also responses to junk mail that I get. Those are always fun.

  • Anonymous said...

    And if that vaginal discourse continues for three days, consult your ob/gyn.

  • Anonymous said...

    Go back to WTF fridays. After all when you are actively trying to find a specific thing to rant about on Friday, chances are you'll find it.


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