The Only Thing I Ever Spend Any Real Money On

Saturday, October 22, 2005 2 comments
Once, when I was in college and living with the lovely Sarah, we made a pilgrimmage to Newbury Comics on Newbury Street in Boston, as I did very often back in those days! I remember it was a very fine evening. I think we went to T.G.I. Friday's and just ordered dessert and then made it to Newbury Comics. Or maybe that was a separate occasion. Anyway, we went one night and I splurged on some music. It was awesome. I remember walking home with her, along the Charles River, and actually opening the discs (yeah, in the dark...WHILE WALKING AND TALKING). I also remember thinking, "Damn, this surely is extravagant. THREE CDs at once!"

Strangely, they all had blue covers.

Here's what I bought that warm, early Fall evening:

Foo Fighters - The Colour and the Shape

I had been sweating it for "My Hero" after a dude I was "sitting desk" with played it for me. I ended up loving the whole thing. Once, I made a trip home from Boston and left one of my CD wallets at home in NJ (I always traveled with about 60 CDs, I shit you NOT). It happened to be the wallet with all my new shit, which I happened to leave with Shawn. Needless to say, it was A LONG FUCKING TIME before I got that wallet back. I missed this disc the most. I still listen to it. Listened to it today, in fact!

Toad the Wet Sprocket - Coil

Oh, I luuuuuurved this band! I bought Fear on tape when I was like, 14. I almost wore that damn thing out. Then I lent it to Steve Myerson in 10th grade and he kept it for a long time. Normally, I would have just let it go, but I loved that fucking album, so I asked for it back and he gave me cash for it because he "lost" it. At that point in my life, I normally would have spent that cash on food or a movie, but wouldn't you know I fucking went and bought that damn album again? Loyal to it to this day. Anyway, I'm a fan and I bought this as it was their latest release at the time. "Come Down," really is the best tune on it. I somehow lost this, but bought it within the first few moments of my active iTunes account! If you're curious, Dulcinea is excellent and was a pivotal musical moment for me. I was sad when they broke up.

The Sundays - Reading, Writing & Arithmetic

Sarah made fun of me for this album. I played it alot. The most notable tune on it is "Here's Where the Story Ends." They're not for everyone, but nothing really is. They did a wonderful cover of "Wild Horses" by the Rolling Stones, but it's really hard to make that song sound shitty. Although, I'm sure Hilary Duff could probably manage it. Seeing "Here's Where the Story Ends" on Kirsten Dunst's Celebrity Playlist is what sparked this little trip down memory lane. I'm escaping into happier memories to dull the pain of finding it there. But music is for sharing, kids!

An interesting factoid about the night I bought these albums is that I actually wanted to buy a few more, but it would have maxed out my credit card, which was already mostly music purchases anyway.

It's interesting because I've been doing a lot of bitching lately about how much I hate shopping. It's not that I don't want to look nice or don't like pretty things. I do and I do. It's just that clothing doesn't delight and satisfy me the way buying music does. The only thing I've ever really spent any money on is music. I could browse stacks and walk aisles and stand at listening stations for hours. And now, I can be exhausted and anxious and hungry and still be browsing the iTunes Music Store at 1:13 a.m.

Here's what I bought:

Fuckin' Fogerty + Motherfucking Dan Certa = Fucking. Awesome.

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Emoooooooooooootiooooooooooooon I've heard this song like, five times in the past two days, so I figured it was a sign that I needed to have it. Oddly, the album version isn't available, but this live version kicks more ass. A happy outcome for me!

Once In A Lifetime The first time I heard this song, I was reeeeally young and my mother and I were visiting my Aunt Bert and I was watching it on the MTV. It always reminds me of that, even though it's meant meant different things to me over the years. Aunt Bert is Ronnie's mother. Since I'm home in NJ, I've gotten the full update on his condition and also the family drama surrounding such a crushing shock. As I got the download from my mother on who's fighting with whom and over what, I thought, "Damn...Ronnie's gonna have to get us through this." Shouldn't it be the other way around? Same as it ever was, same as it ever was...


  • Sam said...

    Welcome back from LALA land! Hope you had a GREAT time but if you are now blonde we will have to sit down and talk.

    Kudos to you for buying the Sundays back in the day, nevermind what Sarah said! I think at that point I was also in Boston and also listening to that album. "Here's Where The Story Ends" reminds me of college days in Boston. I will refrain from commenting on Toad the wet sprocket. :-)

    I do think you have to buy music you hear once in a while that captures a momemt. Now "Sweet Emotion" will probably be your happy LA memory song.

    Oddly, the moment song for me at the end of this past summer was "Behind these hazel eyes" by Kelly Clarkson because EVERY day when I went to work my neighbor who leaves her radio on 24/7 had a station who played that in heavy rotation. I may never buy it, but it reminds me of being in my new office, and one day when it is an oldie probably will then too!

    Speaking of your new purchases, "Once in a lifetime" is so classic too. It reminds me of being in high school and coming to the city to see a movie. When the movie ended my bro and I snuck into the theater across the hall to catch the end of the Talking Heads live concert movie "Stop Making Sense". I also love "Girlfriend Is Better" which I remember that was pretty killer in the movie.

    I guess since this post is all about music I should tell you I have 1200 songs on my new iPOD and counting, and yes, NOW I UNDERSTAND! I can't wait to let you scroll through the menu and crack yourself up.

  • Anonymous said...

    My parents listening to Talking Heads, Annie Lennox, the Eurythmics, and new wave like that a lot when I was a kid, so I have a real fondness for that music.

    If I revealed how many pieces of music I had, you would all laugh/point at me. Suffice to say, it is my music and that alone that requires my moving from apartment to apartment in a panel truck rather than a sedan.


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