Reunited, And It Feels SO FUCKING GOOD

iTunes, I'm your bitch. I'll take whatever you give And I'll gladly pay.

Worthy Attempt

Darryl thought that by trying on my sunglasses, he'd achieve some level of coolness approaching mine. Clearly, he was sadly mistaken.

Friday, Please. With A Splash Of WTF?!

1.) I am an assisting Goddess. Today, with the help of Rocket Fuel coffee provided by Hope&Union, as well as McDonald's, I am convin...

To Meghan - re: Your Revolution

I can be pretty persuasive. Hence, when peeps want to start a revolution, I'm usually one of the first go-to allies they hit up. Knowing...

Knowledge Is Power

I could not have been in a better mood when I left the house this morning, despite the overwhelming smell of freshly-squeezed cat dung emana...

It's A RockPuppy!!

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ROCKFAMILY ON THEIR NEW ADDITION!! Lena RockDog 8 lbs. 14 oz. HOLY SHIT! Way to GO, Mrs. RockDog! DAMN! Princess Rock...


I have always maintained that I possess psychic powers. I just get these "feelings." Like tonight, for example. I'm working la...

Space: The Final Frontier

I just watched the DiscoverY: Return to Flight spaceshuttle launch (thanks, Muppet!). It's a dream of mine to actually get down to Flori...

Apparently, Paul Is A Big Stinky Liar

Damn, Paul! What did you do?! I found this on the corner of Metropolitan and Union. There was an identical one across the street as well! He...

Technical Difficulties for IE Users..Which You Rightly Deserve

For some reason, if you're looking at this site in IE (which...ew.), there's a good chance you'll have to scroll all the way dow...

Pondering Part II: Past Ponderings

I was just laying here on my bed, as I have been doing with spectacular frequency this weekend, just waiting for my sheets and towels to be ...

To Ponder On A Sunday, Which Is A Good Day To Ponder

I'm a lady of leisure this weekend. And when I say leisure, you need to read it like, "Leh-szhurrr." I am apparently a lightwe...

I Stole Today...And Burnt My Ass As A Result

No, I didn't steal anything. I'm not a cleptomaniac (anymore). I stole today, as in, the day, which is Saturday. I'm probably ov...

Mailroom Guy: Dancer

I was stuck here waiting for some tapes, so when they were done, I took all the mailing materials with me and headed directly to the mailroo...

WTF? Fridays, Volume XIII

Considering I have already written enough vitriolic verbiage to fill a vat usually reserved for the liposuctioned fat of rich ladies in West...


Meghan bought a Mini iPod and I talked her into this engraving. AWESOME! Yeah, but no, but YEAH, RIGHT???

The Drawbacks Of A Shrinking Dome

So, I never really thought I had a big dome until it started to shrink...and the Muppet brought it to my attention when looking at a recent ...

The Coolest Girls On Hooper Street

Today I fantasized about coming home and immediately crawling into my big, cool bed. I traveled home on my lunch break to pick up my contact...


I JUST saw this, after posting my Star Trek reference-heavy Vendetta Declaration to Will Fraggle. Scotty couldn't take anymore... This ...


What goes up must come down, according to the laws of physics and my own personal hell. Sore eyeballs notwithstanding, yesterday was a very ...

For $40

Eduardo. I love you.

Argh, Matey!

Did you ever wonder what you would have been like during a different time period? I do. Sometimes I think about what I would have been like ...

Rack 'em!

Frederick racks my balls.

Island Hair

I have "Island Hair" today. What may come to mind when I say this to you is shiny, healthy, sun-streaked locks which lazily move a...


I love this!

WTF? Fridays, Volume XII

Did you think I wasn't going to do it this week? That I was just going to fucking bail on this like I did the other week? Well, faithles...


Sometimes I get so mad that this guy is so fucking talented in so many ways, and that he likes to torture me to the brink of insanity. But t...

Morning Musical Miscellany

I snoozed a million times this morning... even though I "woke up" AT six, having meant to sleep in until 7. These are the songs th...

I Am A Champion

I just successfully lobbed three large blueberries into the mouth of a media planner standing 10 feet away. That's three large blueberri...

Mad Bood

I'm in a mad bood. Sigh. Caffeine has been in my body since 8:03 a.m. and the mad bood has not subsided, so I'm guessing it's go... Ghettofabulous

Disclaimer: I'm especially dumb today. And I've only had one iced coffee. I went to Whole Foods for lunch with every intention of st...

I'm A Follower

It's raining today. In Seattle, when it rains They drink smooooooth coffee!

I Lowered My Cholesterol, Bitches!

You know that commercial where this dude is going through his daily life telling everyone he lowered his cholesterol? Well, I used to hate t...
On my way home last night in the oppressive heat, I turned onto my street and saw this. God, I love my camera phone.  

Despite My iTuneslessness

I am surprisingly chill. Maybe it's because I've just returned from "vacation" and it's a slow day, so I have plenty o...
This is new, for obvious reasons. I saw it for the first time last night. I've never seen it up before, not even when the Threat Level w...
The RiverLine.Two near-death experiences for the bargain price of $1.25!!! Yesterday's ride was fine - except for the 14 year-olds talki...
My old friend, Victor. We've known each other for almost 14 years now! His baby is due in September. Weeeeird.  
Christopher, Andrew, and Brandon, all at once! 
I think this is a hilarious picture. Jeffrey looks pissed, but he's actually just screaming and running, as 3 year-olds tend to do! Ryan...

Getting Over The Hoagie

The Nu Puter esta aqui and I am happier than a pig in shit. My life would be perfect if there weren't an annoying granule on my left con...

If These Don't Make You Warm And Fuzzy, Then You Must Be Dead Inside

Jeffrey, the Big Bro. He was so excited, today was his first experience in day care! He made a bumble bee!
Andrew and Christopher. The pic of Brandon is too dark, unfortch. How CUTE is this? They both walk and are about 3 inches tall! 
Andrew again. Smirking is a family trait. 
Andrew. Yes, that's cheez-it in his mouth. And on his fingers, which are on my jeans! 

Chomping At The Bit

I feel compelled to write an update blog to the last one, since it's a pretty down post for one so short. The day ended up much better t...


1.) My little brother is a DICK. I SHOULD TELL THAT FUCKING STORY! YES! IT INVOLVES HIM! 2.) It's back on, but at a different location. ...

WTF? Fridays, Volume X

Convo with my mom: Me: How come the humidity is only 94% if it's raining? Shouldn't it be 100%? Mom: No. Not necessarily. I know she...

Who's A Big Nerd?

ME! Who checks their work emails and voicemails while on vacation? ME! Who responds to them? ME! Who watched back to back episodes of "...

The Blog Equivalent Of A Maelstrom

I think I've sufficiently placated the Muppet enough so that she's less 1st Degree murderous and more like 2nd Degree murderous... m...

Did This Really Just Happen? No, Really?

This happened on Saturday, but I think I have only just now wrapped my mind around it. Saturday morning my mom and I made up after the whole...

What A Lame Ass July 4th Post!

Please excuse my previous post. It was frickin' lame as hell! So, my day went fairly well. I decided to just lay low and had some dinner...

The 4th of July

Ah, the 4th of July. Traffic jams, burned skin, burned burgers, drunk goombas, and fireworks. Last night, at the bar with my bro and his gf,...

She's A Good Puppeteer

She's four days older than me. HAHAHAHHAHAA!!!

Live 8. Eh.

I will admit that had I better educated myself about Live 8 itself, I probably would have gotten a lot more out of this experience than I ac...

Luther, I'll Miss You

Luther Vandross has died. Below is a lyric which brings a special memory to mind for me. Let me hold you tight If only for one night Let me...

WTF? Fridays, Volume IX

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "What the Fuck happened to WTF? Fridays, Volume VIII?" The answer to that qu...

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