Argh, Matey!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 13 comments
Did you ever wonder what you would have been like during a different time period? I do. Sometimes I think about what I would have been like as me, but 100 or 200 years ago. Even up to 500 years ago (LOVED THE DRESSES). I'm not so sure how I would have felt about corsets, though. I don't relish the idea of my chin resting on my boobs, or never being able to breathe or sit easily.

I would have had distinct disadvantages as a woman before Modern Times. I would have been forced to allow my brain to atrophy in favor of squirting out brats during my reproductive years.

I love to read, but educating women back in the day, depending on class, was considered a waste of time. (My father once thought it would be a waste to send me to college being that I was a girl. This was loooooong ago. He was of the opinion that sending me to college would have been pointless since I would just get married and have babies anyway. He obviously had a change of heart by the time I went and got a film degree worth $130k. Imagine! College! A waste! I showed him!!!)

I'm not saying I would have preferred to have been a man back then. I just think I would have liked to have been a woman with more freedom. This would seriously limit my lifestyle options. I could 1.) marry someone (probably not of my choosing) and bear his children, living my life in what would essentially be indentured servitude with benefits for HIM, OR I could 2.) be a whore or 3.) BE A PIRATE.

The first option is not so appealing to my liberated mind, though I do fancy myself getting married and having babies someday. But that's a personal choice. I don't have to do that.

I don't think being a whore would have been as fun as Jamie Lynn Discala made it look in the Heidi Fleiss movie. Especially not before antibiotics, latex condoms and indoor plumbing. If anything, I think being a kept woman would have appealed to me more. I'd rather have been a mistress than a whore. Same difference, I know, but if I were "fortunate" enough to find a rich man who wanted to set me up in a house for his, er, exclusive, um...purpose, it would have been better than working for a Madam in some whorehouse conveniently located near the docks.

However, neither of these options are overly appealing, so I think being a pirate is the lesser of these three evils. PLUS, if Keira Knightley could do it, then I certainly could! Benefits include but would not be limited to:
  • Getting to sail (I love boats!)
  • Treasure!
  • A nice, deep tan
  • Visiting exotic places and meeting foreign peoples!
  • Pants!
  • Getting to fight other pirates!
  • People wouldn't look at me funny if I had a patch over my eye with the bad contact
  • A boat full of men!
  • Swinging from rigging when bored!
  • Hammocks!
Disadvantages would include but are not limited to:
  • Storms at sea. I don't get sea sick, but I have a REAL FEAR of large waves.
  • A boat full of men who've been at sea a loooong time
  • Having to fight other, scarier pirates
  • Risk of scurvy
  • Sun damage to skin and hair
  • Not such a great swimmer, despite the Muppet's patient efforts in the Oakwoods pool. If we went down, I'd be screwed without a plank to clutch
  • Speaking of planks, I'm pretty sure my saucy mouth would find me perched on it from time to time!
  • No internet
  • No MUSIC
  • Weevils! EW!
Come to think of it, maybe I would have been better off as a whore than a pirate.



  • MrRyanO said...

    A Pirate is a very interesting career choice. The exotic locations alone would be enough to entice many. I could have been a Pirate I think...or a Cowboy...Ooooo Oooo Oooo...or maybe Buddy Holly!...or one of the Duke Boys! That would have been cool!

  • Danielle said...

    As a man, RockDog, your options were limited only by your class, which was not an insurmountable obstacle!

    You could have been a court jester! Or Alexander the Great, except without all the gay!

  • Becca said...

    Oh my gosh! You crack me up! This is soooo funny! I would have been a Can-Can girl! Like in Moulin Rouge!

    RockDog, you are already a Good Ole Boy to me!

  • MrRyanO said...

    So I couldn't have been a Pirate because a have a schlong? That sucks...I don't want to be a court jester.

  • Danielle said...

    I was just telling you didn't have to limit yourself to Piracy! As a man, you had any number of options! You could have been an apothecary!

    Or the Royal Fluffer!

  • MrRyanO said...

    So, you are saying that I could have been a Pirate! Say it! Say it!

  • Danielle said...

    I heard from MFDC that you already are a whore-pirate. This is incorrect?

  • MrRyanO said...

    BTW...I'm going to use Twerps World to welcome Mr. CJ Sorg to the madness! He seems like a funny mother fucker and will fit in good here with the rest of the twisted crew. Fuck Yeah!

    Rock ON!

    Oh yeah, [insert Pirate talk here...] Cool!


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