Getting Over The Hoagie

Monday, July 11, 2005 7 comments
The Nu Puter esta aqui and I am happier than a pig in shit. My life would be perfect if there weren't an annoying granule on my left contact lens driving me insane and forcing me to put my finger on my eyeball every five minutes.

I will not bore you with the specs, but it's super-fast and I am pleased.

I'm also tired and sore! You would think I would be rested after a week's "vacation," but alas, I am beat! And sore! I had forgotten how physically demanding it is to live in the city. I was reminded as I was hauling nine days' worth of crap back to Brooklyn from Penn Station.

I have no plans to go out at all this week. Just work and the gym and sweating in 90+ degree weather. And awaiting the RockPuppy (Muppet - PERF!).

I was going to do a vacation roundup to summarize the insanity that defines nine days in South Jersey in the company of my beloved and dear Madre, but I decided against it. I've beat that horse to death. Y'all know she's crazy and that I love her. You love her, too!!!

I will admit here, in a public forum, that I ate an Italian hoagie yesterday and it was GOOD! However, how I felt about myself afterward was BAD and lasted into this morning until I was able to mainline some caffeine.

I had bad dreams and I think it was The Hoagie's fault. Actually, they weren't bad like, you know, werewolves chasing me or showing up to school with no clothes on, they were just very disjointed and... overly active. Hard to describe.

Anyway, I blame The Hoagie, whose ingredients, though wonderful and tasty they may be, are POISON. Sing it with me now: "THAT Hoagie's POISOOOOOOOOOOOON..." That's right. I just got all BBD up in this blog!

I have done very well lately, and it felt really good to get people's positive reactions when I was at home, so I shouldn't have too much guilt relating to The Hoagie...and yet, I do!


Your feedback is much appreciated.

I actually had a contest planned for today, but my machine - AS OF RIGHT NOW - lacks iTunes, which is necessary for the game. If you'll recall, I warned you to brush up on your Google skillz.

For now, I will just show you some random pictures, so you can further waste some time and see a little slice of my life. It's not all bananas, cashews, and coffee, you know!


  • Sam said...

    To maintain a certain level of happiness, things like hoagies are required once in a while. It's all a balance. Don't feel guilty!

  • Danielle said...

    Thanks, you're right. I know this.

    But, you know, I have a propensity for guilt. And my whole inability to do anything in moderations works against me here!

    I think I'll feel better in about a month or so... heh heh.

  • MFDC said...

    Does not the fact that this was your first hoagie in quite a while demonstrate moderation on your part?

    Celebrate the changes in your habits, don't feel bad for one sacrilicious hoagie!

  • Danielle said...

    Of course, I defer to your superior wisdom.

    I AM celebrating the changes in my habits (which I do consider immoderate because of the level of dedication I managed to achieve with them)(Welcome to my Crazy)!

  • MrRyanO said...

    Does "The Nu Puter esta aqui..." mean that your new computer is water cooled? I SO wanna build one of those...

    Sorry to get all geek on your ass...

    Now, what were you guys saying..something about a Cheese Wing Hoaggie?

  • Danielle said...

    "Nu Puter esta aqui" is Old Skool Nu Wave Spanglish for:

    "After bitching, nagging, begging, smiling prettily, bribing with 900 kilos of Oreo Cookies, writing scathing emails, and flashing some cleavage for 17 months, my new computer is finally here."


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