Mad Bood

Thursday, July 14, 2005 12 comments
I'm in a mad bood. Sigh. Caffeine has been in my body since 8:03 a.m. and the mad bood has not subsided, so I'm guessing it's gonna hang around a bit. This is most likely due to sleep deprivation and hormones. I can do something about the sleep, but not the fucking hormones, DAMMIT.


Ok. So I have an idea!!! (Three exclamations points = I'm totally faking it)

I have never known so many people with SO MANY NAMES as the TwerpsWorld cast. The funny part, for me personally, is that when I use the many nicknames we all have to address one of you, I try to use appropriate ones. For instance, if I'm trying to get The Muppet's attention, I'll call her either "Muppet" or, "Kelly." Calling her by her real name denotes that I mean business, whether I'm trying to convey something thoughtful or I'm regulating. Most of the time though, I call her Muppie. Because it fits.

I have no problems using multiple nicknames for other people, but I will admit to being a total bitch about warming up to a nickname for most of my life.

My mother NEVER let people shorten my name. Oh, no. She said it was too nice a name to shorten and didn't want people calling me "Danni." So, you know, her alternative was to call me Twerp, which is soooooo much better. And still in FULL EFFECT, btw.

When I was in 7th grade, one day I was bored in my reading class. I was trying to train myself to print with my left hand. That soon bored me as well and once I was done reading all the volumes of Reader's Digest Condensed Books, I was looking for other ways to amuse myself while my classmates were STILL SOUNDING OUT WORDS. So, I decided to shorten my name to Dani. I was REBELLING.

My teacher, Mr. Cunliffe (oh, I'm SO ready for you on this, Admiral) (see? Nickname chosen for effect), was a short, balding, red-bearded man from the UK. He liked me. So, he noticed I was using Dani on the assignments I was turning in and one day, when he called on me to read out loud, he called me Dani. It was like nails down a chalkboard for me. I realized when he said it that I hated it. REBELLION OVER. Back to Danielle, please. I actually corrected him before I started reading.

Hence, I did not have a nickname in High School, though I did take shit for my last name, about which I have heard every friggin' possible joke, so please...don't spam the Comments with "Ms. WRONG!" and "You're always Wright!" I HAVE HEARD IT ALL.

However, when I got to college, it was a new beginning for me. I met the Muppet and she soon started calling me Dee, and it was cute when she said it, so I allowed it to continue. The provison was that it was relegated to Strictly Inner Circle status. It still remains that way, somewhat. Last week, at the DMB concert, Shawn called me Deebo. I said, "Dude. You can't call me Deebo." He asked me why not, and I said, "You're a 'Dee.'" And he said, "You're right, I'm totally a 'Dee.'"

Deebo was shat out by Kristoffer Carter upon my very first interaction with him. I was helpless against it, so I just didn't even bother to fight it. Who can resist a hilarious, blonde, curly-haired afro-sporting skinny dude in a blue button down? Not me! I actually kinda like it. It's grown on me. It's how some of you know me.

My fave friend at work calls me D-Rite and that kinda stuck... A select few others call me Dee here, but in a professional setting I prefer Danielle. Someone here actually calls me Dan, which I don't care enough about to mind. I just find it bizarre, since it's never been shortened to that before. I'll be like, "Hey, Sheila." And she'll be all, "Hi, Dan." Wtf? I don't call her "She!" Anyway.

When all is said and done, I do like my name a lot. I think my mom did a good job! I think I'm totally a Danielle. There's an intern here named Danielle and I look at her and I think, "You're so not a Danielle. What were your parents thinking?"

So, tell me. What's the deal with all YOUR names?


  • Becca said...

    Well, I was going to be Haley. My Dad is Harley - get it? But then my sister, who was 5 at the time, says "Lets name her Rebecca!" And there you go!

  • MFDC said...

    "The Admiral"- Another KC special. I have no idea where it came from, but I likes it. I know Deebo does, too!

    "MFDC"- Too long of a story to type. Go here-

    Soon after viewing this, the band I was working with at the time christened me Motherfucking Dan Certa.

  • Danielle said...

    I was hoping you'd include the link!


    And yes, I do especially enjoy The Admiral.

  • Becca said...

    Well, you my friend made up Beebo, so....
    Shirley - LRob blessed me with that. My Maw Maw used to call me Gravel Gerdie cause I was on my Big Wheel once and while I was riding it on I decided to put my finger down on the gravel to see how fast I was going. Not too smart. My finger was torn up and had gravel all in it! BAD.
    My uncle calls me Spike and I call him Spike. It's just a weird thing we do.
    The guy in my deli calls me princess because that is what I am. After 4 years, he's finally got it.
    My sis calls me Sissy. Self explanitory.
    The RockDog Master calls me Bleon because he is easily confused.

  • Danielle said...

    D-A-N-I-E...Oh, fuck it. You're just torturing me to torture me. And thank you, I like my name, too.

    If Dan gets to be the Admiral of Rock, and The RockDog gets to be The Mayor of Rockville, THEN WHAT DO I GET TO BE!?!

  • Danielle said...

    Hmm...think so? That could be it. Perhaps I wouldn't be so enthusiastic about such a nickname if it was merely, "Captain" or "Lieutenant."

    Everybody knows Kirk was WAY hotter as an Admiral than a captain, and it wasn't just the new uniform either.

  • Anonymous said...

    I used to get "EHHHHHH WRONG!"

    I'm stevo, steve, wrighty, or asshole depending on who you are talking too.

  • CJ Sorg said...



    certainly not as fancy as "The Admiral" - although I would use that for a porn name, but only if it was gay porn.

  • Anonymous said...

    YO, You forgot NANILLE!!! I think that was an ERic thing, when he couldn't say your name correctly...ha ha ha....AS for me, i'm SO not a Gina ....ESP, not a Gina Marie....Sounds too South Philly ...and I'm not even an OUNCE of Italian...I blame my parents and the the fact they are both a bit Polish ...I have way too many nicknames..esp. at work...I can go down the Hallway and 4 different people will call me 4 different things...For Example: Gee....GG (this one I don't mind)...Gene ( I hate, coz it sounds like an old fat man, no offense to anyone named Gene).....and GO-GO...or GO-GO GEIS....Which is what my boss calls me. EWWW. I even get paged at the office like that..."GO GO GEIS...CALL FRANK AT 1-9"...AKK that's just embarrasing.
    THen of course my boyfriend has a bunch of nicknames for,sweetie,baby,dollface,sweetness...etc....
    whoa, I've never posted here before...and now I've just written a small book, SORRY DEE. hahaha
    OK back to pretending to work, watching the clock until it's time to run outta here like Fred Flintstone...PEACE!


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