Wednesday, July 20, 2005 4 comments
What goes up must come down, according to the laws of physics and my own personal hell.

Sore eyeballs notwithstanding, yesterday was a very good day for me. I got me some A/C! From Eduardo. Good luck in London, Eduardo! And thanks for carrying that shit down three flights of stairs for me in sweltering heat. And thanks to my cabdriver, who knew where to go.

I slept like a damn baby and was deliciously mellow on my way into work, supported by two iced coffees. My contacts aren't even as torturous as they have been the past few days. My foot felt ok (I fucked it up somehow, I have no idea), my back wasn't sore despite struggling with the A/C for a few moments, my hair was tamed with a little barrette... OF COURSE something terrible would have to happen, right? RIGHT?

I sat down at my desk and I sensed something was not right... I turned the computer on and lo and behold, and ADMINISTRATOR had been the last person to log off! A sense of doom crept up my spine... I just knew. A woman just knows these things...

It takes my computer 14 seconds to start up (compared to the 17 minutes of yore). Immediately I hit up my Start Menu/Programs and searched...



Yesterday I got a call from IT telling me I wouldn't regain access to my "H" drive until I was under the quota, which meant getting rid of my iTunes music files. "Sure!" I said sweetly, knowing full well I would just transfer it all to my new 40G hard drive and save it locally. NO PROBLEM. I thought I was so smart!

Still, I'm surprisingly calm regarding all this drama. I knew all the good shit couldn't last. It's because I know I will prevail. See, Will Fraggle, this is what is known as a VENDETTA.

I know when I say that to you, you immediately think of what is arguably the best Star Trek: TNG novel. On that, we agree. But you don't get to be Picard in this scenario, Will Fraggle. I AM JEAN-LUC! And YOU are THE BORG! I WILL NOT LET YOU CONTROL MY MACHINE! I WILL NOT LET YOU CONTROL MY iTUNES!

I am not the captain of NCC-1701 D for nothing, you assimilated little asshole!


  • MrRyanO said...

    Will Fraggle is an asshole! Sometimes when you give little dorks admin powers they turn into little dicks.

    Set Phasers for Stun and Sterilize

  • MFDC said...

    From "Star Trek 6:"

    "If I were human, I would tell Will Fraggle to "Go To Hell." If I were human." - Spock

  • Danielle said...

    Up until this point, he has been too insignificant to learn his last name. I suppose I shall have one of my minions look into it. You are right, he must be destroyed. The more info we have, the better!


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