Unless You Are Familiar With My Crazy

Tuesday, September 06, 2005 7 comments
Unless you are familiar with my special brand of crazy, then this post will make no sense to you whatsoever. Actually, it will be pretty non-sensical for even those of you who ARE fluent in Dee-Crazy.

Today I was eating a sugar-free green LifeSaver and was reminded of Flav-r-Ice and how I would eat some many is so short a time period that the corners of my mouth would be become sore and ragged from trying to get every last drop of colored sugar water out of the tube. Suuuugaaaarrrrr...

I cannot decide which flavor of LifeSaver I like best.

I have figured out why I don't like hazelnuts, a staple in Planters' Heart Healthy Mix. They taste like burnt butter to me. Yet, I like hazelnut-flavored treats...hmm. That's odd.

Yesterday on the way to the gym, I noticed that my coffee shop was closed for the holiday. With my heart in my throat, I walked a few more blocks, hoping...PRAYING...that the only other coffee shop around would be open, and it was. I paid a whopping $2.25 for that iced coffee, but let me tell you something, and don't ever say I said this, but...it was stronger and they gave me MORE of it than my usual place. It was also quite tasty, but lacked the smoothness of the usual stuff. Smoothness is important. It cannot taste acrid, but it does need to have enough of a bite to remind me that it's coffee.

Some of you already know this, but I only drink one iced coffee a day now and have for going on 16 days or so! Yes, this is why TwerpsWorld has sucked so hard lately. Be patient with me, I'm still learning how to function after such a cutback. It's worse that cutting sugar, let me tell you.

The Muppet bailed on me for badminton this weekend. I think she was fearful of the ass-whooping I was about to level on her.

I spent the majority of the weekend just doing my own thing and I actually survived it. A spectacular achievement! I even responded to flagged emails! I never do that! I usually just flag them and then just lean heavily on good intention, which always ends up failing me.

I think the Muppet should take "Muppetita" down, stop trying to front, and just provide her wedding website URL already!

There is a growing pile of clothing in my bedroom of items that I can't wear anymore, either because I'm over them, they look ridiculous on me, or literally fall off. Now I know what I can do with them.

The people who fled Katrina with only the clothes on their backs need more clothing desperately. Purge your wardrobe!


  • Anonymous said...

    great idea, where do i drop them off??

  • Anonymous said...

    I have been using e-mail regularly for...oh, ten years now, I suppose, and yet I have never flagged, archived, filed, or otherwise handled my e-mail other than to read, reply, and delete.

    Yet I could spot a missing CD from my collection at a distance of half a mile.

  • Anonymous said...

    By the way, what's with the new "word verification" feature to leave comments? Is that something you set, Danielle? And what does that word verify, exactly? Seems like an extra step of relatively unnecessary protection, although I am enjoying the fact that the current word being used to verify my post is "elrkhuhh".

  • Danielle said...

    When I posted the pics of Kelly and John's engagement, I ended up being the victim of rampant comment spam. Hence, 12 deleted comments. It was QUITE annoying!

    This is Blogger.com's response to comment spam. However, it only now just occurred to me that I can leave it off until it becomes a problem again, so thanks for bring it to my attention!

  • MrRyanO said...

    Flav-r-Ice was kick ass! My favorites were orange and red (Strawberry???)...the others could melt in hell for all I care...well, except for Grape, she was a last resort on a hot day.

  • Anonymous said...

    Similar only in the fact that one word is reduced to a letter, I used to eat Lik-M-Aid like it was actual food and not just colored sugar. Remember this stuff, with the chalky dipping stick and the pouch of unhydrated Kool-Aid? I don't know why I liked it so much, but I definitely consumed tonnage quantities in my life. I never took shortcuts, either, opting to use the dipping stick until the last granule of sugar was eaten and only then would I take a tentative bite of the stick. That was enough for me, though. That stick was nasty.

    The word verification for this comment is "psryg".

  • Sam said...

    I know reducing caffiene is tough. I only know this from when I am in a situation where I can't get any. Thankfully, this is rarely. I mean, if you think about it, caffeine is one thing people take for granted like water. How often do you enter a work environ (office, muffler shop, hell even work at home people) and NOT find a pot of coffee on?

    Today I saw a guy on the train drinking a COKE and I actually felt sorry for him because he is clearly one of those people who doesn't like coffee and still needs some caffeine (and sugar.)

    I guess we could all benefit from kicking the coffee habit, but really...is it all that bad?

    I drink my coffee black, so it has practically no calories, and as far as I can tell it makes me, the poster child for a non morning person, more tolerable. (You should hit me up early before a cup and see...) So I guess my point is I think you can consume coffee guilt free. Get 2 again!


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