I'm So Weak

Thursday, September 08, 2005 10 comments
So, nuts and I are back together. I know, I know. But, if you'll recall, I DID say that I was just going to see how it goes and, you know, be open to any possibilities.

The conditions were, at first, that we interact only sparingly. Maybe once a day, if that. And also, no invading my personal space. Weekends off, of course. I mean, I need some time to come to terms with the Last Time. I feel like we just moved too fast. And it ended up being painful for me, both physically and emotionally.

So, nuts are in the cubicle NEXT to mine, not in it. And when we do interact, I go to the nuts. The nuts are not permitted to come to me. And we only interact when I'm standing up. Anything else would lead to mindless, uninhibited gorging, and that's just unacceptable. Why work so hard at re-establishing a healthier relationship, only to ruin it in a flurry of hunger and gluttony?

The final condition, which was one of utmost importance (more so than the sodium stipulations, if you can believe it, or even the supervision clause), was that there would ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY not be any hazelnuts present. I think they were the problem last time. I just...you know...the whole "burnt butter" thing. Geeaccchhh...


  • MFDC said...

    It's good you're giving it another shot. I would hate to think that you gave up on salty nuts entirely.

    Moderation is cool and stuff, except when it comes to Being Awesome. Please continue to Be Awesome in excess.

    I'm in a weird mood.

  • Anonymous said...

    So you don't eat nuts, you don't eat sugar, you don't eat carbs...so what do you eat? Water and cubed ice?

    I mean, shoot, today for lunch I had a peanut butter and syrup sandwich topped off with Pixy Stix and a plate of french fries drizzled in marmalade on the side.

    The word verification for this comment was "utwnsjuu".

  • MrRyanO said...

    I think that President Bush is responcible for your nut craving.

  • Danielle said...

    MFDC - You know how I feel about moderation. Rest assured I will continue to be excessively awesome!

    Reggie - Mostly whole foods...fruits, veggies, protein, some cheeses, sugar-free fudge pops yummm...um, what else? I do eat carbs, but strictly whole grains, like oatmeal or true whole wheat bread...but I'm not psychotic. I ate raviolis the whole weekend!

    RockDog - I can assure you, from the murky depths of my tortured soul, President Bush is not responsible for my nut craving.

  • MrRyanO said...

    Raviolis are speciolis! Yummmmm Yummmmy! I once had shrimp raviolis...nothing I would do again...

  • Anonymous said...

    RockDog, I must confess that I was expecting more from your commentary here.


  • Sam said...

    On the topic of eating salty nuts, I quote you:

    I feel like we just moved too fast. And it ended up being painful for me, both physically and emotionally.

    So, nuts are in the cubicle NEXT to mine, not in it. And when we do interact, I go to the nuts. The nuts are not permitted to come to me. And we only interact when I'm standing up. Anything else would lead to mindless, uninhibited gorging, and that's just unacceptable. Why work so hard at re-establishing a healthier relationship, only to ruin it in a flurry of hunger and gluttony?

    A witty closing comment would be gilding the lilly, so to speak.

  • Danielle said...

    Seriously, I hate hazelnuts.

    But the craziest thing about this post is that it's completely half-assed.

    I'm just waiting for inspiration to strike again.

    Nuts are brainfood.

  • Sam said...

    I think the blog is yours and we are along for the ride. :-)

    I am now going to type muxmbxl to post this. And I will copy and paste the above to do it. :-)


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