Sunday. I'm Pretty Sure My Taco Jones Is Beat.

Sunday, September 25, 2005 8 comments
But we'll just have to wait and see about that.

I don't have too much to report (read: bitch about).

This has been a pretty quiet weekend for me, mostly comprised of the gym, iced coffee, tacos, the internet, laundry and porn. You know, the usual.

I don't know, kids. I feel like I'm sort of searching the horizon in vain for some inspiration here. I'm feeling a bit like Don Quixote.

And if that's the case, I have to give a shout out to Sancho Panza for keeping me company this weekend! ;)



  • Anonymous said...

    Aye, aye, aye!

    ¿Dónde están mis ropas de la "abeja"?

  • MFDC said...

    I think what Sancho was saying was-

    Where is my Bee costume?

  • Anonymous said...

    For inspiration, you need look no further than FanFiction!

    You can read these and be inspired by this thought: "At least I'm not writing FanFiction!"

  • Anonymous said...

    Oops, I found myself in the nether-ass-crack and had no commenting option. So D, post that e-mail. Or, aah, whatever. The whole comment deleted thing piques my interest.

  • Danielle said...

    I shall happily post that email for you!

    And the deleted comment was just me accidentally posting the same thing twice.

    CALL ME! We have baby detes to discuss!

    Here's your email:

    There's something that you won't show
    Waiting where the light goes
    And anyway the wind blows
    It's all worth waiting for
    Anyway the wind blows

    Just finished writing a 2 page precis on a 270 page book, of which I read 200 pages today. My hair now resembles that of Steve Martin.


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