Ladies and Gentleman, I would just like to wish you a Happy Chinese New Year.
Welcome to the Year of the Cock. I could have said Rooster right there, but it would not have been as much fun.
I was born in the Year of the Dragon, but I think I will benefit from this being the Year of the Cock. How could I NOT benefit from this being the Year of the Cock? Seriously.
Here’s a little something about a sister born in the Year of the Dragon, 1976:
“People love Dragons so much because they are generous, charismatic, irresistible, and so brave that standing beside them banishes fear. They generate excitement and turn heads anywhere they go. They are free-spirited and impulsive and can help others achieve their dreams. Others love to be around Dragons because they have a way of making people feel better. Dragons are quick to fall in love, but do not surrender their independence easily leaving most of them to live life by themselves. Yet, a smart, witty, and funny companion may intrigue the Dragon long enough to make her want to get married. And once the Dragon becomes committed, she is unlikely to ever leave.”
(Thanks to
Additionally, if you were born in the Year of the Rat, Tiger, Horse, Monkey or Pig, we’re supposed to do it. And this is our year.
I was born in 1969...also the Year of the ROOSTER. I wish I had been born in the Year of the Endless Bag of Peanut M&Ms! That would be awesome!...or even the Year of the Naked Flight Attendants! Sweet!
Apparently, I'm not only a Tiger, but a Wood Tiger. Not a coincidence, methinks.
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