
This is how hardcore I am: Ok, so I had to buy a new set of earphones for the iPod because I suffer from some birth defect that prevents ...

The New Year's That Wasn't

So, I'm not doing anything for New Year's. I was supposed to go to Boston and party down at my friend Kimberly's family restaura...

Snot is the Least of My Worries

I was going to write this post about my holiday; about how I got really sick and had a huge fight with my dad and how awesome my mom is and ...

Winter Redux

Well, it has arrived only a day short of the solstice. Winter. The season when New York City squats over her citizens and takes a big, frost...

iLove my iPod

It's like an obsession. Right now I am STILL AT WORK, at 7:51 p.m. on a Friday night in New York City. Oh, I left. Please. I'm not T...

It's an iPod!

It’s an iPod Ladies and Germs…I am proud to announce the newest addition to my family of one (well, if you’re not counting all the voices...

NJ Numerology

If there's one things we Jersey folks can do, it's run some numbers, y'all! So, for all four of you who are interested, behold D...

Disappointed, Yet Strangely Zen

Damn. Now I know how the Yankees’ fans felt. This is some serious suckage. I feel cheated. I feel like the democratic process doesn’t work. ...


As I write this, I am hungover and eating oatmeal at my desk. I have a pile of work that is taking over my desk and I have $6 until tomorrow...

Drop Some Chicken in this Marinade

Waitings, which ripen hopes, are not delays. -Edward Benlowes

September 11, 2004

Today I avoided turning on the TV until about 6 o'clock when I had nothing better to do but wait for a certain extremely shy individual ...

The Difference a Year Makes

You know, it’s truly incredible the difference a year makes. You take for granted that there will be massive changes between several years, ...

In Bloom

It's ridiculously early, but I am slightly hungover and thus, awake. But despite all that, despite everything, I feel fanfriggingtabulis...

Sphere of Danielle

Random Question: What came first – the title or the blog? Random Slice of Life: In my bed right now are: Two books, one pair of stereo he...

Did You Miss Me?

I missed you! I'm back, my li'l chil'rens. And with the prescription painkillerz, too. All is lovely with the world. The Demon G...

The Martini Shot

This is "movie lingo" for the last shot of a movie. Since this will also be "Take 2" of my prep for gall bladder surgery...

I'm Like France During WWII

If I were to rate this weekend on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being an utter and complete shitstorm and 10 being nirvana, I would have to say ...

Drunk Dialing

This is a shameful post. I just made my 17 year old brother drive me to WaWa for an Italian hoagie at 3 o'clock in the morning because I...

Version 2.0.1 (and Other Sundry Updates)

Well, hellooooo. Welcome back from the Strawberry Nightmare. I couldn’t take the pink anymore. Even though I am female and take pride in the...

Ditching the Pink

I think I might ditch the pink, y'all, Strawberry Nightmare though it may be. I'm not sure I want to be associated with something qu...

Shake Your Body To That Conga (or Broke Down Body Parts)

I just had to do a favor for my father and buy him concert tickets to Gloria Estefan because his computer is busted and he’s not comfortable...

I Will Not Take These Things For Granted

I'm sure my neighbor, Shane the Urbane, thinks I'm a total nutter (he's English...or Irish, something like that) because I play ...

Mom Says You Have to Share!

Can't believe I made it through this week. The weekend is supposed to be grumpy and rainy, which means I will have a chance to read at l...

Got Ilk?

A strange thing happens when you encounter someone of your own ilk -- particularly if your ilk is unlike the rest of “society’s” select ilks...

Chia Pets are Misleading

From the cool holographic card that comes with your Chia Pet, you would assume that once in full, glorious bloom, your Pet would resemble a ...

The Day After

Last night, before I went to bed, I decided I would quickly check my email because I am expecting a reply regarding a business situation. In...

Oh, One More Thing

If anybody even murmurs "Kabbalah," I will officially disown you.

The Great Deception

I have long struggled under the weight of living up to what people perceive me to be. I'm not sure if this is arrogant or presumptuous, ...

Egads! I'm Pining!

pine2    ( P )   Pronunciation Key   (pn)v. pined, pin·ing, pines v. intr. To feel a lingering, often nostalgic desire. To wither or ...

Divorced Kid Humor

You know, since the birth of this web log oh so many months ago, I have experienced a range of emotions when considering it. It’s interestin...

On Second Thought...

Screw the political stuff! Let's talk about William Shatner and his new record with Ben Folds. You start.

Version 2.0 - Now with Titles!

Don't mistake this change for any recent edification on my part. Somebody put all this together and all I have to do is click on it. You...
I just realized that the link I included below doesn't work. Here's one that does, and it's a MUCH better article. Please take a...
I'm skeerit, y'all. SKEERIT shitless. Here's why: Events of the past week: 1.) President George Bush is quoted as saying, ...
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rig...
Sometimes I wonder if living in one of the biggest cities in the world has somehow managed to make me a smaller person. I remember thinking ...
“Yo, just wunnerin when the hell yer gonna mention me in your blog. Do people even know that you have a brother?” Well, now they do! Way ...
I was just having a conversation with my friend, Becca, who is the only person who reads this blog, and I casually wondered aloud (or, over ...
In Which I Encourage the Over-Consumption of Alcohol. Followed by the over-consumption of meat lover’s pizza, followed by the over-consumpti...

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