A Wintry Mix Of Turd And Crap

Ok, so I was just checking out New York's weather for the next few days and that is essentially what we're up against: turd and crap...

Though iMtired, iTunes

Most of you know by now that if I'm iTunesing, I'm in New Jersey. Hopefully this plight will soon find its end and I will be able to...

Thanks, Baby! :***

My flowers are the biggest ones in the joint. I'm just saying. :p

OK, So Maybe Valentine's Day Doesn't Necessarily "Buh-low" Per Se

This is what I said about Valentine's Day: "Valentine's Buh-lows. That's all I really want to say about it. But I thoug...

Last Night I Ate 2/3 Of A Giant Snickers Bar. And It Was GOOD.

Something happens to me when I eat. Throughout all my MANY weightloss quests, whenever I would be researching the best ways to quell my appe...

Get On The Quarterdeck, Boucher!

Right before we ate 90000 pounds of food. He sat down, protected by my older brother's Eagles jacket and a towel.
A few people have reminded me that I need to update my blog. I have many ideas I would like to share with all of you, which is actually a ni...

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