Did You Miss Me?

Sunday, August 08, 2004 0 comments
I missed you! I'm back, my li'l chil'rens. And with the prescription painkillerz, too. All is lovely with the world. The Demon Gall Bladder is no more, thanks in part to the excellent surgerizations of Dr. Dennis F. and my super-hot anesthesiologist Dr. Sites (sp?). He was hoooot. I was not sad that he would be seeing my boobs, I'll tell you that much. I got the strangest feeling, especially when he asked, "How we doin', Dee?" as he was trying to tap a vein in my hand, that we could be the very bestest of friends. Alas, I woke up in the recovery room with greasy gunk on my eyes, in some pain, bereft of Dr. Sites. Oh well. Moving on.

I would like to send out a very special thanks to my Mom who totally took care of me and spoiled my ass even when I was cranky and in pain. I know I made much of the possibility of me losing my mind with her staying here, but the troof is I enjoyed her company and was really sad when she left. Waaaah!

I also would like to thank my girlfriends who have not let me be alone more than a few hours at a time. Becca, Kelly, Kim, Meghan, Michelle, thank you. I am so truly blessed to have friends such as you. I don't know if you know how much I appreciate or love you, but if I could sum it up in a few words, they would be "a whole damn bunch." And thank you to Laura H, Laura F, Wayne, Dad, Steve, Mom-mom, Aunt Sue, Aunt Nancy, your phone calls and emails have all kept my mind from the soreness and the terrible gas bubble that wants to launch out of my right shoulder.

And thank you to Zach Braff for making Garden State. I love to see pretty things and laugh out loud and what a sincere, earnest movie Garden State is. See it, everyone.

And buy yourself some new music...I did that today and got so wrapped up in the record that I ended up 4 blocks away from where I was actually heading and then just didn't care because the music is so good. To satisy your curiosity, I just bought Death Cab for Cutie's record "Transatlanticism" after hearing a clip on Six Feet Under. I left Best Buy and put it straight into my discman and had to laugh with glee after I heard the first 2 measures because this album is DOPE, y'all. Highly Recommended.



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