NJ Numerology

Saturday, November 27, 2004 1 comments
If there's one things we Jersey folks can do, it's run some numbers, y'all! So, for all four of you who are interested, behold Danielle's Thanksgiving Vacation Summation. The details are in the stats.

Number of times I thought about posting before I actually got around to doing it: 14

Glasses of wine consumed this week: around 14 spread over 8 days...not bad!

Number of meatballs made: 38 Consumed: about 6

Miles driven since Saturday, November 20: over 200, all in the So. J.

Approximate height of mom's Christmas tree this year: 16'...yes, that's a (') not a (").

Cheesesteaks consumed since 11/20/04: 2 Chicken Cheesesteaks and part of a cheesesteak stomboli. Yes, we have those. And yes, they are goooood.

Number of hoagies consumed since 11/20/04: 1 Italian. Shocking, I know! Only 1!

Number of babies who good-naturedly suffered my goofy yet successful attempts to make them smile: 3 babies, 1 toddler

Number of unfortunate encounters involving people with whom I graduated high school: ZERO!

Calories consumed: 9 gajillion

Number of times I saw a red light up ahead and brought the car to a complete stop right where it was, in deference to that light, which was about 100 yards away: 1

Number of pissed-off drivers behind me during that incident: 7

Number of colors added to hair: 4

Number of applications of Rosebud Lip Salve: 7,376

Number of 40 GB laser-engraved iPod's ordered: ONE! YAYESS!!! YEEEE-HAW!!!

Number of enjoyable, annoying, frustrating, hilarious, relaxing, delusional, surreal, worrisome, ecstatic, hopeful, shocked, stunned, speechless, resigned, dehydrated moments experienced during these seven days at home: too many to count.

Ah, family. They love me even though I always run away and I love them because they are always waiting for me to come back. And I do.


  • Anonymous said...

    I must say I find this rather impressive. I've consumed more cheesesteaks than that in one weekend in NJ! Good job Dee! Can't wait to see your fancy new hair! XOXOXO


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