The Dog Ate It

Tuesday, August 09, 2005 3 comments
I've been so effin' busy today, I haven't had the opportunity to blog on the company dime! Tragic!

I did write a little something up last night, actually. I banked it in case something like this happened. Yet another example of my clairvoyance.

Anyway, it won't be posted until much later, when I can get home and put it up.

In the meantime, I will tell you that LifeSavers Sugar-Free Butter Toffee hard candies are the SHIT. I'm completely ignoring the whole "Excess consumption may have a laxative effect" warning on the back. It completely flies in the face of my policy regarding moderation, which is that it blows.


  • Anonymous said...

    Actually, that's a typo on the back of the LifeSavers Sugar-Free Butter Toffee candies, it should read, "Excess consumption may have a laxative effect!" and there is supposed to be a starburst on the front that reads, "NOW! More Laxateriffic!"

  • Danielle said...

    Laxaterrific! I LOVE IT!!!

    I fucking love making up new words!!

    Laxaterrific - adj. The feeling of dehydrated, sore, wincing well-being achieved after over-consumption of sugar-free candies and the resulting shitstorm.

  • Anonymous said...

    Also on that list should be Jelly Belly Sugar Free Jelly Beans. Scarey is all i'll say. Hey D!!


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