Bust A Bubble

Sunday, January 22, 2006 0 comments
Sometimes, when things are going well, you kind of exist in this little perfect bubble. As delicate and transparent as the bubble is, it still manages to keep your world warm and safe and protected from the dirty, large objects life lobs in your direction on a regular basis.

Other times, a sharp one comes along, your bubble bounces into its trajectory, and suddenly said bubble is busted. All at once, you find yourself stunned that 1.) there's a world going on outside your little sphere and that 2.) bad things happen to those you love and you're powerless to do anything about it.

We all have things we deal with on a daily basis; bummer family situations, general misfortune, asshole coworkers...somehow these are always things with which we can deal, if we're lucky, from within the safety of the bubble. It's not that these things don't affect us, it's just that they're manageable.

It's the unmanageable things that really make us vulnerable to the elements. When you go long stretches of time without encountering the unmanageable, it's easy to forget how truly unmanageable the unmanageable is. I'm not trying to confuse, I'm just trying to show the math, here.

There are two people in my life, far away but close to me, who are both dealing with completely unmanageable situations. Their grief and worry weighs heavy on my heart. I wish I could squeeze the parts of me that they love out of my self and into them. I wish I could somehow connect a line from me to them that would carry over the miles all the strength and love and comfort I'm dying to give them.

I feel stuck, at the mercy of forces I don't understand, waiting for the opportunity to wrap my arms around them and tell them that it's going to be OK. And it will be OK. But right now is not a "big picture" moment. Right now is right now and I just want to be where I'm needed.



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