Despite being hot pieces of ass, we also like to lay in bed with the laptop, except we're usually watching the Panda Cam.
Gayle can rest assured that I am not going to go all Karen Carpenter. I've had 4 cupcakes in the past 72 hours. That's saying something!
I'm happy for me, too! :p And it's fine if you take some credit. You ARE the one who said, "You have to check out my friend Dan's website. He's hilarious." The rest, as they say, is history!
Resurrecting this beastie once again because I seem to have convinced myself that people actually care about what I think. What an effing narcissist! Also, I had a giant baby last summer and I'm still married to the best guy in the world! We're Los Angeles transplants living in Nashville. Which means the giant baby I birthed is SOUTHERN.
Aw, fanks, Fer! ;)
Despite being hot pieces of ass, we also like to lay in bed with the laptop, except we're usually watching the Panda Cam.
Gayle can rest assured that I am not going to go all Karen Carpenter. I've had 4 cupcakes in the past 72 hours. That's saying something!
I'm happy for me, too! :p And it's fine if you take some credit. You ARE the one who said, "You have to check out my friend Dan's website. He's hilarious." The rest, as they say, is history!
Word verification: pzzneec
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