Long Time No Blog

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 5 comments
I've been away, my pretties. Sort of. Also, I've been really lazy, too. It's hard to find inspiration for anything other than a nap or an iced coffee when it gets hot and muggy!

A couple things of which you should be aware:

-Muppie's Bridal Shower and Bachelorette went splendidly! It was so nice to be able to hang with my girls, together again, however briefly. The Muppet looked radiant, even at 3 a.m. in the morning, wearing the shredded t-shirts of drunken bar boys as a skirt. ;)

-I ate 6 cupcakes in 72 hours, proving there really is nothing you can't do if you just put your mind to it.

-I am almost finished updating my resume, which is good because:

-I just gave my notice at work. And even though I knew, for the longest time, months and months, that I would be doing this thing on this day, I still have the feeling that I jumped.

If you're lucky enough to know it's coming, you can try and prepare yourself for A Big Change as much as you can, but when it's actually happening, when you're actually in the process, it doesn't feel like you thought it would feel. You're usually surprised by something: yourself, the reaction of others, just how much work is involved, how expensive things can get, how precarious life is, etc... The most surpising thing about this particular change, for me, is that the closer it gets, the more it feels right.

I know the next month is going to fly by, and even though I'll miss my family and my friends, there's not one part of me that wants to stop the clock.


  • MFDC said...

    "I still have the feeling that I jumped."



  • Sam said...

    F for...no, not that, FREEDOM, C for...no not that...CHANGE, and B for BYE! I'm sure it felt a little surreal but I'm happy for you and all the good things ahead.


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