I Need To Hate On Something*

Friday, September 01, 2006 2 comments
I hate traffic. I hate the "media" for prematurely sexualizing young girls who grow up to idolize Lindsey Lohan. I hate Cingular. I hate that I'm so addicted to gossip sites. I hate the oil barons. I hate my inability to regulate my body temperature. I hate those people who walk around with those fucking things attached to their ears, looking like some kind of humantron.

I hate that I just killed a mini-bag of kettle corn, a granola bar, and a handful of chocolate chips. I hate that I actually think about, on a daily basis, upping my caffeine intake. I hate the time difference and my own forgetfulness, the combination of which means I pretty much owe every person in my life a 3-hour catch-up phone call.

I hate that I'm a hater right now, but my CAR, my EFFING CAR, is STILL IN THE SHOP. I was supposed to pick it up today, but a "part they ordered" was "delayed" and even if they got it put back together tonight, they still need to "test drive" it and make sure everything's in working order. WHICH IS SOMETHING THEY SHOULD HAVE FUCKING DONE BEFORE THEY SOLD ME THE DAMN THING TWO WEEKS AGO.

Still. I love my Doris. I can't wait to have her back. She'll be better than ever. And then I won't be mad anymore.

But, outside of this small yet HUGELY INCONVENIENT DETAIL, life is really fucking good right now. How are you?!?
*I think I'd be fine with all this if I wasn't forced to drive a horrendously shiteous loaner. Oh, it drives fine, but it's horrendous. And shiteous. Those two things add up to a Dodge Stratus.


  • Anonymous said...

    "the combination of which means I pretty much owe every person in my life a 3-hour catch-up phone call."

    Ya think?


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