Wednesday, March 31, 2004 0 comments
Holy Crap! I just did it! I just started my own blog! Hang on one sec while I call everyone I know and annoy them in the middle of their workday.

Ok, I'm back, and I didn't make any of those calls, I'm way too pumped!

There's a party across the way from where I am sitting right now. Someone is having a baby and she is opening presents right now. That's nice. Today I ordered a 6" Turkey and Cheese from Subway on wheat with pickles, tomatoes, lettuce, salt, pepper, and oregano. I also threw in a Diet Snapple and some WOW Doritoes and then my atm card was declined! WHAT? Yeah, I mumbled something about running to an ATM machine and being right back, but instead I skulked back to my desk and ate some Kashi.

You know it's bad when you can't afford Subway, kids. I can never show my face there again! Which is probably a good thing. I shouldn't be buying lunches anyway!

I feel bad that this is my first entry and it sucks so incredibly hard. There are some firsts you just can't repeat. There are others that end up being anticlimactic. This is one of those anticlimactic firsts.

Welcome to TwerpWorld, kids, where there is an endless supply of oreos but very limited attention span.



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