Beebo's Worried We'll Somehow Forget...

Thursday, September 08, 2005 10 comments
"I finish my beignet and stroll down the levee, succumbing to the hazy, lazy feel of the city that care forgot, but that nature will not."

-National Geographic, August 2004


  • Anonymous said...

    One of the books mentioned in that article's bibliography, Rising Tide, details how a rivalry within the Army Corps of Engineers before the Civil War ultimately led to the great Mississippi flood of 1927, which killed thousands and explosed a corrupt political infrastructure within Louisiana that ultimately catapulted anti-rich firebrand Huey Long into the office of governor, and then a seat on the senate of that great state. It is a highly readable book that has great relevance to current events; I recommend it heartily.

    After Harry Potter 6, of course!


  • Danielle said...

    Oooooh! That DOES sound good! Thank you for recommending it!

    Yes, I do have to start HP6. Right now I'm in the midst of "In Her Shoes" with which I am pleasantly surprised. It's better than most chick lit. A good, easy read after the awesome Erik Larson book.

    Someone also recommended to me The Alienist and The Sex Lives of Cannibals. Have you read either?

  • Anonymous said...

    I did read The Alienist, and I enjoyed it very much. I am, however, specifically a New York and generally an American History Nerd. I worry that someone without these proclivites might not enjoy the book as much. If you do have such proclivities, plus a penchant for a little hokey sci-fi, then you will probably enjoy this book and Caleb Carr's other historical fiction works (kind of a series all taking place in the Victorian Era) like Killing Time.

    In the same vein, but better-written in my opinion, are Pete Hamill's historical fiction books, like Forever, which is about a man who is granted immortality and lives through New York's growth from a small port at the tip of Manhattan to a sprawling city spread out over several islands. Pete Hamill is also very naturally knowledgable about New York history, I see him speaking at lectures on this and that all the time.

    As for The Sex Life of Cannibals, I haven't read that.


  • Danielle said...

    Reggie, I DO have such proclivities! And I had heard about Forever...


    I lyke to rede.

  • Sam said...

    I saw "Streetcar" this summer on the stage which of course is one of the great tributes to the Big Easy and felt pangs of interest to get back again to New Awlins. I'm curious to see where we land after all the news and best intentions are laid and put into business.

    I am trying to personally filter through the bad news, anger, social and historical implications and see the situation on a humanist level - - but like 9/11 I think this devestation is so personal to people that we won't have a backward and better informed glance at this horrible tragic moment for a long time. In the mean time I feel like everything I read is just another facet to consider.

    I went on Amazon to buy a CD, and the feature on the home page was to give to Red Cross, something I planned to do, so I gave, and then went back and got the CD.

    It was nice to see that even on such a consumer oriented place there was a non profit priority. Kudos to Amazon.

    PS - For NY History, also recommended by yours truly, Gangs of NY, This Place on Second Ave, Time & Again and Ghosts of 42nd Street.

  • MrRyanO said...

    I heartily recommend Maxim or Swank. You kids and your high falutin educationism.

  • Sam said...

    LOL. Rockdog I hear you. I know Maxim, but what is SWANK?

  • Anonymous said...

    I also quite enjoyed The Alienist and I definitely wished I had a better working knowledge of NYC geography while I was reading it. I think you will like it!

  • MrRyanO said...

    I don't know if they still print Swank...but back in the day it was a nasty version of Hustler. The chicks had knife scars and bullet wounds...stretch marks and jailhouse tattooes...but they did everything! It was awesome!

  • Becca said...

    This post has my name in the title and no one commented on me! That's a WTF moment if I ever saw one!


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