Happy Administrative Professionals Day To Me!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 1 comments
Happy Administrative Professionals Day to ME!
Happy Administrative Professionals Day TO me!
Happy Administrative ProFESSionals Day to meeeee-eeeee....
Happy Secretaries' Day to ME!

Oops! See what I did there? Freudian slip or something. Apologies.

You know, nothing ever serves to remind me of how miserably I have failed at fulfilling my own potential as Administrative Professionals Day.

Don't get me wrong, I like feeling special. I appreciated my free eggs and ham on an english muffin with a side of fruit this morning. I even treated MYSELF to a cappuccino because I know, as an Administrative Professional who can professionally administrate with the best of them, that I DESERVED it!


I don't know. I always kind of resented the day. I'm sure everyone can reflect on their life, no matter how young, and regret making a choice that led them to an undesirable path. And even though I'm working hard to change direction, and have accomplished as much as I possibly could in this position, it's something that I was never fully comfortable revealing about myself. That's the complete TROOF, y'all.

Having been in the position for over 5 years now, I have immense respect for the people who do it, and OWN it, and take pride in their work and really contribute to the office environment. I have to state that very clearly. But I can't wait until I am no longer in the assistant ranks. This is not my destiny!

So, for now, it's what pays the bills and will get me to California. And I will continue to rock it like a hurricane, because that's just how I roll. And also, when it comes down to it, no matter what your position, when a colleague says to you, "We don't know what we're going to do without you," your hard work is validated, and you feel good and appreciated and like your contributions matter.

Even if you are "just" an assistant.



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