This Was Supposed To Be The Start Of A Better Week

Monday, May 08, 2006 3 comments

Me and my sassy new haircut, a mere day before my world came crashing down on me in the form of a busted iPod. This was taken from the P.O.V. of a giant. You can see a roll of toilet paper in the background. According to the DaVinci code, Jesus put that there to warn me of the fact that I would have to endure yet another shitty week. Posted by Picasa


  • Sam said...

    The stars favor no one today - case in point I feel like my allergies are going kill me despite the fact that I chilled ALL MFing weekend. The end result?

    A slow start, a good finish!

    By the way, do you think Condi Rice is a lesbian?

  • Danielle said...

    Tough question, one which I will answer with another question, which is sometimes thought-provoking and most times infuriating. I'm pretty sure this one will also be the latter.

    Do I think Condi Rice is a lesbian? Well, don't you have to be HUMAN to be a lesbian??

  • Sam said...

    Dear DANIELLE,

    I am very GLAD for your ANSWER. I am COMPUTING my response, and after it passes APPROVAL I will say, WE HAVE NO OFFICIAL COMMENT.



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