
Thursday, July 13, 2006 1 comments
Why is popcorn so good? Especially with a Dove Dark Chocolate chaser. Mmmmmm...

I cleaned out a good chunk of my crap at my desk today. The clutter was really starting to get to me. Plus, as I move into this next phase of my life, I kind of feel like I'm past the whole "I decorated my cubicle like my 7th grade locker" thing.

Suddenly, my roommates are cool. There is a painted picture of each in my living room. They are topless. I'm tempted to commission one of myself, just to see what I would look like with my Dream Boobs.

I usually put my gym bag in the same locker every night, if it's available. I started to think it would help my weightloss Karma, since the locker number was close to a decent goal for me. I never imagined I would actually get to that number. I just hoped I would. And then yesterday morning, at my yearly physical, I actually weighed in at that number! I heart my gym locker! Except the one that gashed my head.

I'm thinking that with the success of my gym locker karma, maybe the karma in which I'm investing by always picking up stray paper towels in the bathrooms at work will pay off, too! It's looking good so far...

I don't have the heart to throw away the talking Tigger doll I inherited from another former employee. I did throw away a pair of purple boots and a pair of shoes that make fart noises, though.


I had to skip my morning iced coffee(s) yesterday because I was fasting for my physical. I still stopped in to say hi, because I heart my coffee peeps! Today when I went in, The Baker Lady, who now works the counter since the new owner is bringing in gross baked goods from another bakery (although TBL still does the Flourless Chocolate Cake, Red Velvet cupcakes, and Macaroons), prepared two cups with ice. TWO. Because, well, I usually buy two iced coffees, BUT! In the interest of my sanity, I have really tried to reduce my caffeine intake, and so I only opted for one. That was hard.

I'm really tired. I want to go home and sleep, but I also want to go to yoga tonight. If I go home and sleep, I'll feel guilty, but I'll be in my bed and sleeping, so I won't be awake enough to be THAT guilty. If I go to yoga, I run the risk of repeating an unfortunate scenario that occurred the last time I went to yoga this tired, which involved me falling asleep during the last fifteen minutes of class and, rather than participating in the final relaxation moves, I just laid there, flat on my back in the corpse pose, snoozing away. Embarrassing.

Tomorrow is pay day. I sense a burger.

Today I closed a door, L.A. job-wise, but probably not forever. I wish the details could have worked out, but unfortunately, they didn't. I have in mind a certain way of doing things when I land in Los Angeles (after some booty and In & Out Burger, that is). At the crux of this plan is my desire to continue listening to my "gut," and not just as it pertains to cravings for snacks and coffee.

Making decisions that disappoint me in the short term, but which I know will be best for me in the long run, makes me feel surprisingly grown up. Actually doing what I want to be doing, not what I feel like I should be doing or what I perceive other people think I should be doing, makes me feel that the person doing these things, this "me," is the closest thing to the Real Danielle I've ever gotten. I like it.

Still undecided about the gym.


  • Anonymous said...

    CONGRATS!!! I'm assuming your lucky number was...125;) I think, i know you deserve the night off..veg and enjoy the last few weeks of time by yourself...


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