I can't really find it in me to apologize for not blogging. I've just been trying to settle in to life here, and at the end of the day, there really isn't too much to report. I just kind of went off the blog for a while. Like when I went off eggplant. Couldn't touch the stuff for months...actually, it was probably over a year by the time I finally braved a taste. You should consider yourself lucky. You could have ended up worse than the eggplant!
There ARE some things I'd like to give honorable mention to, such as the awesome Cheer the Fuck Up Care Package I got from Laura and Annie. It was a complete surprise to me and brought a tear to my booger-laden eyes. In it, there were NO LESS than THREE CROWNS, one of which was a fancy tiara with purple stones and fur. I heart purple and I fucking HEART that tiara. I keep it out of the box at all times for easy access and I DO randomly wear it when I need a little boost or just when I feel like it!
It also contained some peanut M&Ms, which I ate immediately, and a turkey mug, which I use faithfully for my morning coffee. There were also turkey-shaped fun straws, which are super cute if not very practical. I tried one with some Crystal Light. My ears popped with the level of sucking required to get liquid through the various curves you might expect of a straw resembling a turkey. I eventually gave up and drank it like a normal person, but something interesting did arise from the experiment: when I pulled the straw out of the dishwasher, it had reshaped itself. While it was sadly no longer a turkey, it DID resemble...well, it looked like a ball sac, honestly. We had quite the chuckle. It's the Cheer The Fuck Up box that just keeps on giving, and I treasure all the little gifties it contained, especially the pink glitter nail polish I'm currently sporting on my toes.
I also am VERY SUPER EFFING EXCITED for the Devers-Franklin wedding taking place this weeking in the Berksires!!!!!! I'm thrilled to be heading back east and get a mouthful of some crackly Autumn, and to see my dearest friends all gathered up in one place, which happens so rarely, to celebrate the first real wedding of our little circle. There will be a barn and steak and apples and chocolate and 3" heels and, hopefully, no sprained or broken ankles. There will be manis, pedis, dress mandles, boooooooooze, a party at Casa del Geraldine, making out with labrador retrievers, etc... It will be a good time and I can't wait, even though our flight is at 6 a.m., which means we'll be getting little to no sleep tonight, but oh well. It's worth it!
The other night MFDC and I stepped out officially as MFSOs at a crazy party held by NRG. It was crazy. There was lots of boob. And booze. Boobies and booze, that pretty much sums up the night for me. Oh yes, and lots of BLACK hair dye. Here's a pic of us before we hit the bar:

And then after:

Heh heh heh. It was lots of fun to meet all of MFDC's peeps. The next morning we woke up hungover, but not so bad that we would miss out on brunch with Courtney and Dave. That was a good time, too. And GOOD eggs benny...YUM. I digress.
So, in general, good things are happening. I'm still interviewing, but I'm at least consistently working. I'm settling into the city once again, and rediscovering why I loved it when I was here on my first tour while learning to live with the reasons I hated it. Which, really, just revolve around the Evil that is Sitting In Traffic. At least I get lots of time to think and am dusting off my car-singing pipes.
I also just wanted to clarify a small thing that's kind of been gnawing at the back of my mind since the last time I posted. If I ever, in the process of being honest about how tough is the transition from my life in New York to my new life in Los Angeles, seemed to imply that Los Angeles was the root of my difficult state of mind, then it was in error and I should have been more articulate.
There are always obstacles to overcome when a person decides to undertake huge change, especially the type of change that requires uprooting an entire sphere of being. But if I was sad or downtrodden, it was because starting over is HARD. We have ALL been there. It's human to doubt yourself and to struggle with major decisions. It's easy to take things personally when you're already vulnerable. I had forgotten that starting all over again REALLY meant starting. all. over. again.
Honestly, my problems are not so huge. I'm still young, I'm madly in love, I have wonderful people to turn to when I need them and they are always there. I have a much stronger sense of where I'd like to take my career than ever before. It's not so bad. Actually, it's pretty damn good.
And now that I'm finally settling in, even though I'm still taking hits to my intelligence and my ego and struggling to keep my head above water, I can't imagine any other place I would rather be.
That place, my loyal friends, is Los Angeles.
Best. T-shirt. Evar.
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