It's 90 Degrees. Heh Heh!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006 2 comments
All of my Nerds are currently traveling on business, so rather than immediately get to work on the various projects they left me with, I decided to catch up on my daily blog-reading first. Except, some of those assholes hadn't updated since, like, last week!!! I was so pissed.

And then I realized that I am one of those assholes.

So, today is Election Day, and I am one big, wasted vote. I forgot to change the address on my voter registration, and so there's a voting booth at an elementary school on East 66th street in New York City that will be missing me dearly. I'm not sure what that says about me as a person, considering I remembered to change my NetFlix delivery address but not my voter registration. If that's not classic American, then I just don't know what is!

Earlier today, in an attempt to override my feelings of inadequacy brought on by being one of the only kids at school without that "I Voted!" sticker, I decided to register for my health benefits. I can't quite remember what I was paying in New York, but I know it's considerably less here in Los Angeles than it is out there. Like my Burrito Bowl (with lettuce instead of rice) at Chipotle last night. That thing cost me $9 in New York, and a mere $5.35 in Los Angeles.

Anyway, I got all excited because it appeared I would be able to add the MFDC to my Dental Insurance policy. He's got some expensive dental issues and the added benefits would help out. However, when I got to the part where I was supposed to register him as my "Domestic Partner" they denied him because he was not "of the same sex." That's right, he was denied for not being a lesbian.

Talk about discrimination!

Where are my rights as one half of a domestic partnership with someone of the opposite sex?? This is some BULLSHIT. He didn't CHOOSE to be born straight, you know! What he decides to do behind closed doors is his own business (and mine, since I'm usually there, too)(well, and I guess yours, too, if I decided to write about it here... heh heh). He should not be judged for his sexual preference!*

Many people have celebrated birthdays since I last wrote. Let's all give a big, TwerpsWorld Happy Bday to the following aging, yet lovely, individuals:

Becca, 10/30
Victor, 11/1
Laura, 11/5

I'm going to sign off for now. I'm freezing, which I suppose is apropos as this building I'm in used to serve as Beverly Hills' ice house waaaay back in the day. Anyway, I'm going to go outside and enjoy some radiant, non-humidified, sunny 90-degree weather.

It's OK. You can be jealous. I'm not a hater. ;)

*Unless, of course, that preference somehow no longer involves me, in which case he will be judged mightily. And painfully. By me. And my brothers, one of which is a giant who could administer a terrible beating, the other of which is like, a sniper and shit, and could shoot him from a thousand feet away. Seriously... And then there's Loretta.


  • Reggie Hemingway said...

    Well who's to say that he isn't a lesbian? Why place narrow-minded gender assignments on sexual preference? Next they will say that a woman can't change her own tire, that a man can't watch Sex and the City, that a transgendered female can't ogle ladies through a peephole in the locker room.

    In a perfect world, a woman could be an off-shore oil rig roughneck, a child could be President of the United States, and a man could be a lesbian! If he so chose!

    PS: Not bad, Dems.


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