Look how fucking cute I am, even with a low-grade fever and a snot factory in my nose!
I made chicken noodle soup last night. My chicken noodle soup is my mom's recipe and always comes out well when I make it. It's kind of hard to fuck up chicken noodle soup. Wash and chop all ingredients. Boil in a big pot. Add salt & pepper. Before serving, add SOUP APPROPRIATE NOODLES.
Usually, these:

Alas, in an attempt to make my soup as glorious as the chicken noodle soup at Jerry's Famous Deli, which contains long, thin noodles, I added Angel Hair spaghetti. I broke it in half before I cooked it, but I should have broken it in half again. I'm sure that would have spared my mom's yellow top from a very obvious and frightful soup spatter pattern.
Ah, well. I was sick. That's my excuse.
Speaking of being sick, this is just an FYI to all my dear readers: TheraFlu will knock you out COLD.
Last night, after taking care of me tirelessly and patiently for THREE WHOLE DAYS, MFDC, in a final act of unswerving devotion, bought me some TheraFlu at my request, as I had started a bad coughing spell. Additionally, he bought a REALLY EXPENSIVE TEAPOT to be used for heating up the hot water TheraFlu requires. When I told him he shouldn't have gone to the expense he said, "Well, it has a copper bottom."
Anyway, fast forward to me taking my last sip of the stuff and exclaiming, "It's good! It tastes like hot lemonade!" then backing myself up against MFDC for back "scratchies" (What? I like scratchies! You do, too! Admit it!)The next thing I know, it's an hour later and I've been sleeping face down on the corner of my pillow, accompanied by a large drool spot. I passed out not even 10 minutes after the TheraFlu!
I woke up, took my contacts out, then MFDC tucked me back into bed. With me safely snuggled up in bed and finally not coughing/sneezing/wheezing/talking/playing with his hair/kicking his ass at Battleship/relentlessly disturbing his calm, he settled down at his gigantic computer to teach himself Logic 8.
Because Halo 3 is for pussies.
somehow I caught your cooties from 3,000 miles away :( That's love dude.
Oh noes! Do not want! :(
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