Preserva Biologica, Costa Rica.

Costa Rican sunset.

MFDC and J3 chillax in the Jungle Beach House.
Danielle Ziplines from Dan Certa on Vimeo.
I still can't believe I did this.
MFDC Ziplines from Dan Certa on Vimeo.
The one guy who was alllll about it from the get-go, M F D C.

MFDC's new girlfriend, Leonie. He luuuuuuuuurvs her.

One of us was drunk. Hint: Shockingly, it was NOT me!

BFFs. I love this picture.
And speaking of babies, these two finally arrived!

Maren Elisabeth, MFDC's new niece, born October 25, 2007 weighing in at 7 lbs, most of that poundage being hair, as you can see!

Celia Rose, Annie Grace's new sister, born October 29, 2007, weighing in at 7 lbs. 5 oz. Annie is now 2, btw. Yeah. WHERE THE HECK DOES THE TIME GO??
Then Halloween popped up almost out of nowhere:

I was a socket...

He's my plug. Crude, but true. And it should be noted with some tenderness that whilst we were enduring 20 hours of travel (don't ask) back to Los Angeles from Costa Rica, we celebrated two years of big, mad love.

Ah, young love...

He likes this pic.
It's not an update without the latest installment of the Duncan Goes To Hollywood Series! I present to you:
Duncan Dries Off from Dan Certa on Vimeo.
I think that pretty much sums it up for now. Just chugging along, living life, trying to find the motivation to wake up early in the morning and work out but not really willing to give up morning smuggles.
Oh shit! I almost forgot!
I saw these two rock the roof off Molly Malone's in LA. They'll be back this Sunday, 11/8, at 8 p.m. and I expect to once again be floored. Lots of bang for a mere $6.
In the meantime, this is cycling ad infinitum in my car. And yes, I am one of the 36% who paid for it.

Yay! Radiohead! I bought the whole disc package..thinking that the price was in Euro, not Pounds. Would have been a much easier conversion for my credit card to handle.
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