I'm It, Courtesy Of An IdiotBoy

Wednesday, December 05, 2007 4 comments
Thanks, CJ. No, really. I mean it. I've been struggling for something decent to write about and what better topic than MOI?

Here's how it works, kiddos.

1. Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog. (check)
2. Share 7 facts about yourself. (see below)
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. (Oh, this will be good.)
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. (Will do!)

Seven Facts About Me (and you thought you knew everything!)

1.) I get personal satisfaction out of brushing my teeth after I drink coffee and watching the coffee-colored toothpaste wash away down the drain.

2.) I'm partial to purple.

3.) I like my lips.

4.) I've loved The Police since I was 4 or 5 but was too poor to see them this summer.

5.) Sometimes I watch an old YouTube video of Whitney Houston singing the National Anthem at the SuperBowl because a.) it gives me chills and chokes me up every time, b.) I have invested a scary amount of emotion in hoping for her triumphant comeback and c.) I don't believe there is talent like hers alive on the earth at this current moment. A few people get close, but there's only one Whitney, baby! Here's to hoping the crack pipe didn't cook her upper-register.

6.) And speaking of singing, I miss singing in a choir. Music is a natural high! I've tried looking for one to join here in L.A., but the only good ones require same-gender sexual prefences. Alas, my love for dong is causing my vocal chords to atrophy for this reason. And a few others, I suppose!

7.) I am not going home to New Jersey for Christmas and I'm OK with it.

And since CJ included a Bonus Fact, I suppose I will, too: I aspire to write a romance novel someday. Complete with throbbing members and heaving bosoms and the overuse of the word moist.


NOW, for the people I am tagging:

  • MFDC

  • Mrs. Berman

  • Muppie

  • EvilKate

  • Fer

  • Gayle

  • And last, but certainly not least:

    • Reggie Hemingway said...

      "Alas, my love for dong is causing my vocal chords to atrophy"

      Hey, it hasn't done a thing to Amy Winehouse's voice.

    • MFDC said...

      "Alas, my love for dong is causing my vocal chords to atrophy"

      I have a special throat-coat salve for that.


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