I kid, I kid. It's not like I'm still bitter that he sat on my face and farted once when we were little and it scarred me for life or anything.
Anyway, tonight I board a USAirways flight which will stop over in Pittsburgh at the asscrack of dawn, on my way to fulfill my red-garbed bridemaid duties. There will be tons of gluteny food and sugary desserts. The wine will be flowing and my body-shaper will be working overtime. Lastly, there will be cold, cold weather. I am leaving 79 and heading into the 20s. This scares me, but it's all worth it to see my only full-blooded sibling marry the love of his life.
I don't want to say he's my favorite sibling or anything because that would be unfair, as I have several (3 steps, one half, many in-laws), but Steve is actually going to be the person to unite MFDC and I forever and ever (or at least until his gear becomes community property, what's that, like, 10 years, right?). I think that kind of gives it away. Plus, his choice in wife really kind of put him over the top because she does my hair real good. Heh heh!
Congratulations, Steve and Kristie. This is a long time a'comin'!

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