Yeah, so I lost the 9 pounds and then MFDC and I went on a food binge that I can only justify by classifying it as training for our honeymoon, which will find us supported mostly by elastic waistbands and flowy dresses. I'll leave it up to your imagination who will be wearing what. That is, when we're not nekkid. Tee hee.
So, yeah, so I regained the 9 pounds I lost. And then my body totally put me through a lot of shit in protest to the gluten I was heaping into it. Pain. Pain and gas. Lots of gas. I tried to take on South Beach Phase 1 again, but I decided life without fruit is not worth living, so I modified it to include my morning, gluten-free cereal and fruit.
And since then, I have lost 6 pounds. So, if you're keeping track, that's why my tracker has been all over the place.
In other news, in less than 3 months, I will be joined in holy matrimony to the MFDC foreves and I gotta say, I'm pretty pumped.
People keep asking me 1.) how the wedding plans are coming with an underlying tone of "Dude, you MUST be freaking the fuck out" and 2.) do I plan to have babies with an underlying tone of "You do realize you'll need to cut back on the caffeine, right?"
I try to mix up my responses just so I don't get bored answering the same questions over and over again. The wedding plans are moving on target and yes, the Goddess willing, there will be Certalettes in the not-overly-distant future. One thing at a time, folks!
Mental health-wise, I have my good days and bad days, just like everyone else. It's usually directly tied to what I eat. If I eat shitty food, I feel shitty. IMAGINE THAT? I'm like a goldfish with this information, though. So every time I go through it and realize that I feel like shit because I've been eating shit (not literally), it's like an epiphany on auto-refresh.
I'm settling into my "new" position here at work, which is nice. It was hectic for a while. Especially because I was doing a lot of extra doggysitting and babysitting when my workload exploaded, but the dust is settling, which leaves me spare time and bandwidth for things like updating my blog and going back and forth incessantly about chair covers and menu cards.
So there it is. An update of sorts. Still plugging along, waiting for the day when I meet this juicy specimen at the end of a very short aisle:

Hands off, bitches! He's mine!
* Anais Nin said that. I am not that deep.
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