What are your middle names?
Renee and Mark. BUT DO YOU KNOW WHOSE IS WHOSE? Hmm???
How long have you been together?
Together almost 3.5 years, married for 3 months. Whoa! It's only been 3 months?!
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Oh Gosh... well, I knew of him for about 4 years before we started "dating." I think his awareness of me would be a lesser amount of time, however.
Who asked whom out?
Um... well, one day I told him over the phone that I had booked a flight to come visit him and the rest is history. Although, he called me first. I think that should count as the answer since our story is a bit unorthodox.
How old are each of you?
I'm 32, he's 34. The other day I actually blanked on my age for like, 3 minutes. Scary.
Whose siblings do you see the most?
Well, since we live so far away from our families, we really do try and spend an equal amount of time with both sides. But not nearly enough!
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
The economy. Oh, and reconciling/approving or vetoing movies in our NetFlix queues.
Did you go to the same school?
Nope! We had vastly different college experiences. However, our mutual love of burgers allowed us to overcome those differences.
Are you from the same home town?
No, he's from the Midwest and I'm straight-up Jerz. However, we are from very similar towns.
Who is smarter?
Dan is smarter but I think I may be more resourceful. He's like, scary smart. I'm just good in a crisis. :)
Who is the most sensitive?
Depends on the situation. I think Dan is more sensitive than anybody would ever guess, but I'm probably the most sensitive overall.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Poquito Mas!
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Cancun, Mexico
Who has the craziest exes?
Who has the worst temper?
Me, no question. Except when we're driving, and then it's TOTALLY Dan.
Who does the cooking?
Me. Dan has been known to put some chicken bits into some sauce and bake it, though. He CAN cook. He's just better at eating his food than he is at cooking it!
Who is the neat-freak?
Neither. We're messy.
Who is more stubborn?
Well, I'll give you a hint: the most stubborn person in our relationship wears glasses, is over 6' tall, has a fine ass and a glorious, shiny beard. In other words, NOT ME.
Who hogs the bed?
I think Dan would say that I hog the bed but HE hogs the covers, so really, I'm just chasing warmth!
Who wakes up earlier?
Me. Always. When I first moved to L.A. and was still on New York time, I would wake him up at like, 7 a.m. every day to take me out for breakfast. He eventually got used to it.
Where was your first date?
Dimples. Close to Halloween. Bananas singing Bon Jovi.
Who is more jealous?
.........................................................................me. :(
How long did it take to get serious?
Leading up to the first date? About 4-5 months. After the first date? About 45 minutes!
Who eats more?
We both could eat about the same, which is fine for him and VERY BAD FOR ME.
Who does the laundry?
He does! And he gets better at it every week!
Who's better with the computer?
Oh, come on. Seriously. Dan. I'm lucky I even know what a computer is. Dan does things with a computer that would cause me to have seizures, and I'm not just talking about all the porn.
Who drives when you are together?
Depends on who has the parking spot! Generally, he drives since he has a better car. I call it our Traveling Chaise. It's a TANK of a vehicle, but it's peppy, too!
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