The most significant updates are:
- I'm off caffeine (with the exception of green tea in the morning and maybe once during the day)
- I'm off sugar. AGAIN.
The withdrawal period for both (yeah, I quit them simultaneously)(OUCH) lasted about 30 hours. THIRTY HOURS. No advil. Just an ice pack! Am I bragging? YES. Because that was freaking HARD. If you're going to do it, I highly recommend you do it over a weekend. Start Friday, slog through your day, lay on the couch all day with an ice pack, by Sunday evening you should be fiiiiiiiiine. Back to the updates:
- My mom and Duncan are living with us for a bit. It's been... a learning experience but, overall, is going very well.
- I am STILL unemployed and it sucks. I seriously underestimated the severity of the economic downturn and overestimated the power of my resume. It's strong, but it's not strong enough to create jobs where there ARE none! I'm signed up with 2 temp agencies, have sent out dozens and dozens of resumes and only just got my first bite yesterday. YESTERDAY! I was excited because it's a good fit, but the salary is abysmal. I sent them back a number I could deal with (meaning, a number by which Dan and I could eek out a living) and they have yet to write back. So, we'll see.
It's been very frustrating and disheartening. It doesn't make for happy times, I can tell you that. However, I am attempting to control the things that are in my power to do so, like my health, which has really suffered the past 9 months or so. It feels good to feel good! Of course, I'd feel GREAT if I had a job, but I'm grateful for every little ray of sunshine I can get, dudes.
- BabySteve and Kristie built a house and just moved in AND they're knocked up! WOO! Kristie is due in April. I'm pretty pumped. So many new behbehs in my family!
- There is a Trader Joe's here, but only one! It's in Nashville and YES, I do drive in every week and do my shopping there!
- Our house is AWESOME. I love living here. Our neighborhood is a bit of a mixed bag, but so was North Hollywood, so no change there.
- Oh yeah, the Bermans are knocked up, too!
I think, for the moment, that's all the pertinent info. We're doing well, despite my joblessness. It's a tough time, but I have an amazing husband and an awesome mom and a rad dog. And now I have to go watch Horatio Caine marry Marisol. Sadly, because I already wiki'd the show, I know that she gets shot. Why do I DO that to myself?

it fills me with joy when you blog :)
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