The Blog Equivalent Of A Maelstrom

Wednesday, July 06, 2005 13 comments
I think I've sufficiently placated the Muppet enough so that she's less 1st Degree murderous and more like 2nd Degree murderous... maybe even cooling down to Voluntary Manslaughter status.

I had no idea that simple little post yesterday would whip up such a MAELSTROM of opinion. It was like a white squall!

Sometimes I hesitate to post somewhat personal things on this site. I posted very personal thoughts all last summer and then I decided that not everyone should be forced to be exposed to all my drama and related craziness. I try and keep it light for the most part, but every now and then I'll throw in something serious for your asses, just to keep you on your toes!

You should know that for every thought that makes it up here, there are a thousand that don't. And I'm just like everyone else when it comes to what I want out of life. So, you know, I'm just throwing some darts, seeing which ones hit the center and then going from there.

None of you are strangers to the tough decisions that redirecting your life toward something you want to do requires. That's why I felt comfortable enough to put something like this out there. You've ALL upended your lives at one point or another. Who hasn't? And more than once!

I know it would require a lot of work and a whole bunch of other bullshit. But I would like to make a living writing. I know what my strengths and my weaknesses are, and I'm ready to attack that shit.

If you know me well, you know what it took for me to write that last sentence.

If you know me even better, as a few of you do, you know what it took for me to even start this blog.

I'm grateful for all the advice and encouragement you guys have shown me up to this point. Please don't stop weighing in. Your participation delights me and gives me food for thought.


  • MrRyanO said...

    "Please don't stop weighing in. Your participation delights me and gives me food for thought."

    Did you write this right before lunch time? "Weighing In...Food for thought"...Mmmmmmm Lunch

    Anyway,'s my two cents and it's the same advice I gave many months ago when I would post anonymously on here. You were deciding whether or not to tell a certain young man that you fancy him. My advice...and what I believe to also be true now is...what would be worse...Not doing it, or wondering for the rest of your life what could have been. From experience, the whoel "what could have been" scenario is no fun.

    Weigh your risks...define tangible gains...and do what you think is right. You seem to have a very solid support system (Loretta, 6'8" Bro, other Family & Friends, etc) If you fall, you ain't fallin far.

    Anyway, enough of one likes him much...he's very sensitive and shit.

    So...Rock ON!

  • MFDC said...

    About to be a daddy for the 2nd time makes Rockdog all full of, like, WISDOM and shit!

    No wonder all the blog-ladies love you, you virile, circumspect stud!

  • MrRyanO said... guys! Group hug

    "About to be a daddy for the 2nd time makes Rockdog all full of, like, WISDOM and shit!" I may frame this as it's not everyday that I am full of Wisdom AND Shit...usually, I'm just full of shit...

    "...You big softie!" Not true. My Viagra shipment came in yesterday!

  • Anonymous said...

    Muppie - Since your blog doesn't allow non-bloggers to post on YOUR site, I'm posting here for you to read.

    Lookit girl, you've had her for the many years...??? Right! It's time to share the DeeLove around a bit.

    That's all I'm sayin'.

  • Anonymous said...

    That's HOT! Girls fighting over other girls! HOT! giggity, giggity,giggity

  • Danielle said...



    Sheesh. There's plenty Dee to go around, TRUST ME.

    Have I not been doing well spreading the love thus far?

  • Becca said...

    Feel special. At lease you know you are loved. Or something like that

  • Danielle said...

    I DO feel special! My heart is warm with all the love.

    I'm taking it all in and fashioning it into my special recipe Dee love that I plan to share with everyone!

    Wow. I just had some sugar-free, low fat ice cream. It's quite obvious that I am blissed out from the sweet, creamy goodness, isn't it?


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