Despite My iTuneslessness

Monday, July 11, 2005 6 comments
I am surprisingly chill.

Maybe it's because I've just returned from "vacation" and it's a slow day, so I have plenty of time to make out with my computer...

Maybe it's because I've just consumed my second iced coffee of the day and am finally feeling normal...

Maybe it's because I'm looking forward to a huge fresh fruit bowl hand-picked by me for its cherry-heavy contents...

Maybe it's because I have over 100 CDs here at the office (I know, I know) and so therefore am not suffering any type of music withdrawal...

Maybe it's because I found a whole bag of Sugar-free Lifesavers and took it into my keeping...

Whateves. I'm fine with it.

But let me tell you something, if I do not have iTunes by FRIDAY AT THE LATEST, SOMEONE SHALL SUFFER MY WRATH.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman being cockblocked from spending loads of money on iTunes."
-W. Shakespeare


  • MrRyanO said...

    Deebo...isn't just a program? Can't you install it from the iTunes web site? Or do they have you locked down and are unable to install programs without their authority. Or have I no clue what I'm rambling on about? Time I got me a Smoothie...

  • Danielle said...

    First of all, that was Q2.

    Secondly, I DO have shit ready to roll and will forward along to you presently, now that I can finish it with a quickness on my new phatty machine.

    I'm also kind of afraid of rejection.

  • Danielle said...

    "Can't you install it from the iTunes web site? Or do they have you locked down and are unable to install programs without their authority."

    In theory, yes, I should be able to just install it myself, but The Man is cockblocking me. Additionally, my library resides on my "Home" drive, which I still don't have access to for some reason.

    The new computer is a 40G, so I should actually just move the library to the hard drive, but that kinda scares me.


  • MrRyanO said...

    Another fine example of "the Man" holding us back. It's just wrong...wrong I tell ya!


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