Resurrecting this beastie once again because I seem to have convinced myself that people actually care about what I think. What an effing narcissist! Also, I had a giant baby last summer and I'm still married to the best guy in the world! We're Los Angeles transplants living in Nashville. Which means the giant baby I birthed is SOUTHERN.
Food porn. YUM.
Dude. EATING IT is porn!
Muppet? Back me up here, though I feel like the pic stands on its own.
oooooooooh! I am so homesick right now. Damn you Danielle, for photographing the cappy dog....
DISGUSTING!!! It looks like some animal died on those dogs!!! What's wrong With you two??????
dude, you gotta kill the photo, it makes me wanna vomit...
Absolutely not. IT STAYS!
I can't confirm...can we have some pictures or at least a juicy story. Thank you kindly.
i know what i want to say, however, it will be erased as soon as it's emailed to the black queen ;)
let me remind BOTH of you that y'all have had pretty disgusting things in your mouth and gods knows where else..
I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
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