Sharing Some OCD

Wednesday, August 17, 2005 2 comments
There are some things I obsess over to an almost unhealthy degree, as I'm sure all of you can confirm, so please leave special "OMG, Danielle's so OCD about [fill in the blank]" comments to yourself!

In the past 24 hours, I have been obssessing over a prescription I was given that I felt wouldn't suit my particular circumstances. Therefore, I did an assload of research, nutted up, and called my doctor. She called me back last night, but I missed both calls.

I called her back today and we worked everything out. She agreed with me that what she prescribed was perhaps not the best option and so we decided on another one.

Instead of crack, she prescribed methamphetamines. Luckily, my insurance company has a plethora of labs to choose from, so I don't anticipate the cost rising above $10 a month. I was worried I might have to start ordering it from Canada.

Anyway, the Lesson Of The Day is: If you think crack might be whack, don't be afraid to nut up and request something more suitable. After all, YOU know your body best! Doctors are humans and make mistakes. Additionally, they're susceptible to drug reps and free steak dinners, which means you might be prescribed something like Valtrex when in fact all you need is a simple OTC hydrocortisone cream for that rash, Fer.

Also, today's lesson proves that the Internet Is All Powerful. And that you should read and believe everything your Google searches turn up. And then after the ensuing panic attack, you should have a burger.


  • Anonymous said...

    -2 pts. for using "whack" when you could have used the more aesthetically pleasing and hip-hop-approved "wack".

    +5 pts. for using the phrase "nut up" without apparent hyperbole, twice: 10 pts.

    Danielle leads with eight points!


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