I Almost Forgot!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007 3 comments
Tempering the devastation of my deflowered vehicle and accidentally paying the note on said deflowered vehicle twice this month, thereby placing me in a VERY precarious financial position (until WaMu works it out for me which is... tenuous at best), is fact that this weekend I will be getting some puppy love in the form of this magnificent creature:

Behold! The Sebastien!


We have met previously. I took him for a ride in Doris and then we spent some time in the PhotoBooth on my sweet ass MacBook:

Deebo and Sebastien

Yeah, that's me with no make-up on.

Sebastien, far superior in looks even on my best day, just had his hair did up in the style of Simba. Lookie!

The Lion King

That's his owner. She's awesome.

I'm going to have so much fucking fun with this dog! WOOT!


  • Anonymous said...

    Ever since Superman Returns, I can't look at those dogs the same way again.

  • Reggie Hemingway said...

    Just a little while in Los Angeles, and you're already clutching small dogs. You're probably wearing oversized sunglasses and getting in public fights with Lindsay Lohan, as well.


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