For those you of we haven't managed to speak to personally yet because we're so freaking busy it's almost scary, this move is another brick in the foundation that will rise up to become The D & D Certa Empire Dynasty Legacy Legend Co. Inc., LLC.
Allow me to sketch out our roadmap, if you will. First: move to a city where MFDC can still flatten buildings with the sheer force of RAWK emanating from his bemandled person, second: where it's -at minimum- 50% cheaper to live and is, third: closer to our families so that we can get some help when we, fourth: spawn what will surely be the cheekiest, dimpliest, most near-sighted MFBCs ever. And so, as of June 9, we are officially Nashvillains. We signed a lease on an adorable, well-appointed townhouse on Oak Maple River Ferry Main Old Mill Farm Pine Cherry Road.
We depart from Los Angeles at the end of this month which is in two weeks. My mother is very fond of telling me that I only have 16, 15, 14, less than two weeks to DO EVERYTHING I NEED TO DO. Thanks, Mom. I KNOW.
Unfortunately, right when we finished putting in applications on our top two desired domiciles, my back decided to jump ship. I still don't know where it is. I think I'm at the point where I'll just have to learn to live without it. As a result, an entire week of wrapping up loose ends at home and at work has been lost while I've been laying in my bed on a heating pad answering work emails and reading romance novels. Online.
It will take every ounce of energy and as many painkillers as my mom can spare - not to mention copious amounts of Advil - to get us to the moment where I can bust out the Garmin GPS in Los Angeles, find our address in TN and hit the "GO" button. And then it will probably take until Flagstaff, Arizona until the damn thing finally connects to the satellite and tells us where to go.
I have no fear, though. I have my husband, who still reveals a little more awesomeness to me every day. I have the love and support of our incredibly excited families. I have the good wishes of my good friends and coworkers, who I will miss AWFULLY. I did not know it was possible to feel so extremely sad yet so unbelievably excited about the same thing; to be anxious yet confident. And yet, I'm feeling all those things. In addition to all the wrenching back pain!
This - more than my move to Boston at 18 as a college freshman, or to L.A. at 22 as a dreamer, or to New Jersey at 24 as a sick, lonely girl, or to Manhattan at 25 as a gamble, or back to L.A. at 29 as a woman in love - will be the one move that catapults me closer than ever to everything I've always wanted.
And, yes, Loretta is coming, too. Not to worry, kids! They've got cheesesteaks in Nashville!
PS - Now that the cat's outta the bag at work, trust that I'll be keeping you up to date in my spare time, however much it is.
PPS - Below: the front porch of our new townhouse, which has over 300 more square feet than our current place, yet is $700 LESS per month! Wiiiiiiiiiiiide Open Spaaaaacessssss.

Nashville, as you may already know, is a fantastic city.
I personally demand that you visit THIS place, which is where I like to go when I visit family in Nashville. With all the new space you will have, you will love this stuff too. Guranateed.
Best wishes on your move! BTW, what again is MFDCs new gig there?
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