Monday, April 26, 2004 0 comments
I'm cranky today, people. And I don't know why. Actually, I think I might. I might be PMSing.

It all started with the crippling fatigue and self-loathing last week during the week. This weekend wasn't so bad. But this morning I woke up hating myself. I was also really late for work. Where I have nothing to do.

And then when I was walking to the subway, I was crossing a narrow bit of sidewalk. This is normally a huge bit of sidewalk, but today there is an enormous rusty construction truck parked there. Anyway, as I'm walking through, a woman approaches and STEPS ASIDE, waiting for me to clear the narrow bit of sidewalk. Am I really that big, that's it's necessary for your to STEP ASIDE, B*tch!?! Seriously! She was all, "I'll wait." Whore.

Sometimes being a woman just sucks. It's too much. I can't be pretty, smart, funny, social, fashionable, physically active, fantastically employed, have a couple grand in the bank, be persuing my dream career, "want" babies, find my soulmate, live in NYC, deal with poly-cystic ovaries and the resulting mood swings, and my crazy family all at the same time. It's too hard. I wish I were a dude. All I would have to worry about is what my team is doing in Fantasy Baseball and tricking some pretty young thing into thinking I'm actually a good idea.



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