Tuesday, April 06, 2004 0 comments
Sorry I haven’t written in a few days. I was mired in the swamps of PMS. Nothing like a super-sized double cheeseburger meal to pull you out of the grog and back into the land of the living, though! Thanks, Micky D’s! I was actually quite shocked that super-sizing was still an option. I would prefer to not have that option, but I really have no business walking into a fast food joint anyhow.

So, last night I was watching some TV after a really mediocre workout – which reminds me. Last night, a very portly young man was working out HARD on the Precor. I was on a Lifefitness machine behind him. Anyway, I admired his work ethic. He was very large, but he was working at 100%, which is more than I could say for myself. Half the time I am exercising, I am trying to justify cutting the workout short, but guilt and my own portitude keep my little hamster feet firmly planted on the wheel.

Suddenly, he turned to the side and I caught a glimpse of a droplet of sweat just about to drop off the tip of his nose. Horrified, I watched in disbelief as it released its grip on Sweaty, Portly Young Man’s nose and fell, unnoticed except by me, onto the floor, joining it’s previously fallen brethren! Oh yes! There were countries of sweat on the floor. This repulsed me. I used to work in a gym and that sort of unsanitary behavior is UNACCEPTABLE, especially when you consider how many people use those machines on a daily basis! Clean up after yourself, S, PYM! USE A TOWEL. Now, every person who used the machine after him was all up in his juice.

I was totally grossed out and had to cut my workout short. Still managed 350 cals., but my appetite suffered greatly.

Later, I’ll tell you how I recently discovered a deep love for American Chopper and how the show brought me to tears not once, but TWICE.



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