I'm Sorry, Daddy.

Thursday, January 13, 2005 2 comments
I have been a bad girl, and all of you have not been shy with the spankings!

I know it’s been a while since I updated. See, I was imprisoned by the weight of the requisite New Year’s Blog. Since I was sick as a dog and did absolutely nothing on New Year’s, the prospect of blogging about how hard 2004 was and how awesome 2005 will be was less than appealing.

That said, 2004 sucked and 2005 is going to RAWK, y’all!

I can just feel it. I don’t know what it is. Every year I say, “This is my year,” but the difference this year is that I actually believe it. I don’t know why. I guess I just feel like I am coming into my own. I’m more comfortable with myself than I have ever been, and that’s saying a lot. Also, I’m starting to let go of the timelines, and if you know me personally, you know that’s huge.

I’m ok with the fine lines appearing under my eyes. They’re hard earned. I’m ok with being down occasionally, because the best thing 2004 taught me was that I could get back up. I mean I clawed my way back from the bottom of the well, kids. And that well was sort of like the one in The Silence of the Lambs, except without the “It puts! The lotion! On its back!!” and the fingernails of dead girls and Precious.

Sorry, just took a break to eat some salty nuts. Shut it, MFDC.

Actually, I think I just sold 2004 a little short. It is, after all, the year I woke up. And also the year I got my iPod. Kidding! Sort of.

Anyway, my hope for all of you, my loyal readers – the five of you – is that this is the year you realize your full potential as a human being and strive toward occupations and hobbies that get you closer to whatever that is for you. And that you get laid. A lot. No matter what your kink.

There’s nothing you can’t accomplish, even if you ARE the daughter of a thief and a slut!

36.2, kids.



  • Anonymous said...

    I don't know..."salty nuts" and "coming into my own"...there's a joke there somewhere, but I'm having a hard time finding it...Admiral, any ideas?

    Rock ON


  • Anonymous said...

    There is a certain zen calm that descends after you've hit absolute rock bottom. I think it must be what those "up with people" fuck-knobs call Getting High On Life. No one ever tells you that part: Getting High On Life can be really, really hard, but Getting High On Smack is incredibly easy. What's my point? I don't know. But this IS your year. If not, I'll put 2008 on hold for you.



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