
Tuesday, May 31, 2005 4 comments
My creative stores are running low. Something crazy needs to happen to me so I can write about it. BUT NOTHING TOO CRAZY, FATES!

Lately I've been having "taste" flashbacks...I think this is my mind's way of attempting to sabotage my sugar-free Iron Will, since my consumption can be directly related to emotional stimuli. And since I have effectively shut down that pathway to instant comfort, I'm being teased mercilessly by my own sensory memory.

For instance, about 45 minutes ago, I suddenly remembered the hot, buttery goodness of a Thomas' English Muffin. I remembered the temperature, the texture, the taste, the smell...everything. It just came over me like a wave. And last night I was riding in a subway car dedicated to Budweiser advertising. I'm not a Bud fan, but I had the taste of beer on my tongue and wanted one very badly. I don't understand it, but I accept that it's probably yet another hurdle I have to get over in my quest for healthy living.

Still, I want that damn english muffin like nobody's business! My answer to this is, of course, coffee. I told my roommate Sara last night that I couldn't wait to go to bed, because when I woke up, I'd only be about an hour away from a delicious cup of coffee. Mmmmmm..coffeeeee...

She asked me if I wanted to go get some right then, but I was too tired to stay up that late, especially since I seem to be in a Sleep Avoidance phase, wherein I do everything possible to avoid actually going to bed. This happens to me from time to time. So, when it comes to pass that I actually WANT to turn in, I seize the moment.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm concerned about the battery life of my iPod. If you're an iPod owner, please tell me: how often do you have to charge your iPod? Yesterday when I set out on my Arduous Journey Back to Brooklyn, I had 3/4 of battery left. Five hours later, it shut off RIGHT as I was turning around and locking myself into my apartment. I'm wondering if this is unusual? I've turned off the clicker, have my backlight set at 2 seconds...if it IS draining fast, I can't imagine what's doing it. Ayuda me. Gracias.


  • Becca said...

    My battery sucks too! I will charge it all night long and listen to my little mini on the way to work - 30 minutes door to door and my little girl will have 1/4 gone. Gone! What's up with that?

  • Danielle said...

    Hmm...well, you have a mini, but that still seems quick to me. Some minis, I have heard, do have battery issues.

    My brother's girlfriend, Kristie (Hair Genius responsible for my own luxurious mane), went to London last week and didn't charge her mini once. Crossed the Atlantic Ocean twice, which adds up to about 15 hours, with no problems.


  • MFDC said...

    Hmmmmm... have you been charging it for less than the full 4 hours? Charging for 2 hours gives an 80% charge but affects battery life negatively. When you have some downtime, let your iPod run out of juice completely, the do a full recharge.

    Also, sometimes the indicator is just plain incorrect. Try a reset-

  • Danielle said...

    It completely ran out last night when I got home, but I only charged it for like, an hour. Yikes. That's not like me, either.

    It usually charges every day, all day while I am at work, because I put it in it's little dock.

    I will try both of your suggestions, thank you! I've reset this babygirl once and it almost made me thow up. I'm such a scaredy-cat. I just love it so much...


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