Space: The Final Frontier

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 6 comments
I just watched the DiscoverY: Return to Flight spaceshuttle launch (thanks, Muppet!).

It's a dream of mine to actually get down to Florida to see one of those bitches take off. I loved the camera they put on the fuel tanks! You got to see the Main Engine Cut off, and see it seperate from the space shuttle. Then you could see the engines on the shuttle fire as it moved away.

And, dude. A chick's driving. AWESOME.

Chicks piloting shace shuttles are HOT. Remember Lea Thompson in SpaceCamp? When she's trying to line up the shuttle for re-entry? It's all tense and shit and Kate Capshaw's all, "C'mon, Kathryn...C'mon..." And Tate Donovan's all...just, you in his Jeep Wrangler. And Joaquin Phoenix has all this baby fat.

Once, on our way down to Virginia with my Dad and step-mom, in the backseat of my Dad's Mercury, Steve and I were pretending we were in a space shuttle that had accidentally launched. I guess we got caught up in the moment, because my dad yelled his head off for us to SHUT THE HELL UP.

Roadtrips blow when you can't pretend you're either 1.) actually driving or 2.) piloting a space ship. Seriously. I mean, we're children of the space age. Every other movie that came out when we were younger was about space! Plus, my father and brother are huge
Sci-Fi fans (<--Understatement of the Week: A New TwerpsWorld Feature!), so I was exposed to a lot of space-centered entertainment. And liked all of it, of course.

Like all kids, at one point I wanted to be an astronaut. But then I developed this fear of somehow being lost in space, just drifting away and dying a slow, lonely death. So, I decided I would be an F-14 fighter pilot instead and get to shoot down Russians.

Remember when Russians were our biggest worry? Those were the good ol' days, kids. When I could dream about going into space (I would take my Prince records, of course) and flying fighter planes and only have a vague understanding about foreign enemies. Now I have to worry about things like Will Fraggle and taking the subway. I should have been an astronaut. I'm sure I'd still have problems, but I could use some of the kind of perspective you can get from here.



  • MrRyanO said...

    I went to Atari Computer camp. One of the weirdest weeks of my childhood...

  • Anonymous said...

    I remember how jealous i was when Mark Deveraux went to Space Camp. God I hated him then. I wanted to see Jinx dammit.

  • Anonymous said...

    This has nothing to do with your post, but I'd figure I would tell you here. Dad's new minivan looks like a shuttlecraft from Star Trek. All its doors except. driver and passenger side, open automatically. Even the back door. And he actually got a really cool color.


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