Glug Glug Glug

Friday, December 02, 2005 2 comments
That's what I sounded like this week, as I consumed thousands of units of caffeine in order to push through some really long, incredibly busy and stresstastic days. As a result, my tolerance to normal levels of caffeine could stand up to an entire pack of No Doz. Of course, this means I will need to order bags of liquid crack, which I will then strap to my shoulders and deliver to my blood stream via an intravenous needle in my hand. There's just no other option left for me!

This job, though most times moderately annoying and/or aggravating, only veers between two extremes: OhmygodifIdon'tgetthisshittogetherNOWI'mfuckingfired and ManIlikethepeopleIworkwithsomuchit'stoobadthisjobisacompletewasteofmyskillset! This week was mostly the former. But it all ended on a super note, so now I'm just sitting here, braindead, Googling and Wikipediaing between stooping low and performing menial office tasks. I'm only at about 33.33333333333% today, so I don't mind.

In other news, I feel like I should update everyone regarding my broken iPod since I just threw a temper tantrum regarding it in the comments section of my last post. And thanks, guys! I've really missed 8th grade!

Despite previous apocolyptic indications, I was able to enroll my Applecare warranty this morning. "Ryan" helpfully transferred me to the service hotline and I spoke to "Lynn" who made me detail EXACTLY what was wrong with my iPod. So, I said, "When I start it, it only makes it past the Apple, before a link to the support side of the Apple site pops up."

One would think that when an iPod tells you straight up, "Bitch, you better send my broke ass in," that it would be enough of an explanation for "Lynn." Yet, no. Lynn wanted to know EXACTLY, as I said. So, the conversation went something like this.

Me: Blah dee blah dee blah blah dee blah dee blah dee blah blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee accidental Restore, so all my music was wiped away and it STILL didn't work blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee, tried everything it says to try on the website blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee blah dee devil iPod updater blah.

"Lynn": Well, did you check to make sure you were using the latest update for the iPod?

Me: Well, isn't that why I installed the iPod updater in the first place? Doesn't it tell me when there are updates?

"Lynn": Well, since you don't have the iPod with you, and we can't go through the steps, you might want to just call back when have it.

Me: It doesn't get beyond the Apple. What is there left to do? I see the Apple, then there's a link to Apple Support. And it clicks.

"Lynn": Oh, it's clicking?

Me: Yes. It's a very rhythmic click. Like, I can hear that it's TRYING to work.

"Lynn": Yeah, I'd recommend setting it up for service.

Me: Thanks, Lynn.

I think I did very well in that conversation. Had I been supremely caffeinated and not completely mentally and physically exhausted, I would have told Lynn what she could do with her "steps." We're talking about my Babygirl here!

Finally, on a completely different note, I'm so happy that Ellie Rose Carter is comfortably, stinkily ensconced at home, where she will complete her convalescence after going a few tough rounds with some serious cooties. Good job, little girl!


  • Danielle said...

    No way. I learned my lesson. The Muppet made me write, "I will never 'blah dee blah dee blah' oral sex again," 200 times. On UNLINED PAPER!


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