Friday, December 02, 2005 2 comments

I just wanted to post something pretty. This is Vic and Laura's daughter, Annie. She's almost 9 weeks now, but this pic was taken at 7. I'm not lying when I tell you I look at this and every single time it makes me feel peaceful...until someone comes up to me and asks me to do something, like work, for instance. Posted by Picasa


  • Anonymous said...

    She is really beautiful. Now they should start teaching her French and German and read to her from Audobon Field Guides.

  • oftensidetracked said...

    That does make me feel all peaceful too! What a cute baby! My 2nd child looked like Yoda...people would look at him and say, "oh, a baby", but I knew...the 1st one they just went on and on about how cute and the curls etc. Lucky for the 2nd baby that he grew out of it...the awful "Yoda stage". He will be 22 years old...oh, man, in just days. Got to go get a card in the mail...wait, will an email card do? Or can I do what he does and just say I "bought" the card and I will mail it later???? ha ha ha ha


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