On Doing Absolutely Nothing

Tuesday, April 29, 2008 0 comments
I'm working on a giant blog post about what happens when two kids with media degrees decide to take on the task of "using tools" and "sanding things." Basically, it's an update on the terrible dresser I bought from the Crazy Craiglist Cat Lady. However, I am horrifically far behind on all my photo organization and have several hundred pictures documenting the past few weeks of my life to get through before I can post the pictures I want to post and make the jokes I want to make.

For now, I will tell you that I had a very productive weekend, thank you very much. The goal was to Do Absolutely Nothing and just enjoy each other's company and some non-busy time together. We managed to do that for a few hours, at least. I cooked up some good food this weekend and MFDC lent his brawny muscle to the hardest part of the dresser restoration.

I saw the eye doctor, did chores, chilled with my mom, cooked awesome food (like I said), finished my book and started a new one, and manage to do something in that 48 hours of attempting to Do Absolutely Nothing that would lead to 48 hours of incredible hamstring soreness.

I can't identify what the particular action was, but it all just serves to remind me how incredibly out of shape I am. So! Upon completion of the dresser (and subsequent reorganization), I am returning to the gym to take my place among all the other hamsters, a vision of my gorgeous white dress dangling in front of me.



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