You know, May has always been one of my favorite months. I can't really explain why, but it probably has something to do with Spring and flowers blooming and warm weather and all that shit. But THIS particular May is going to be especially awesome. Here is just a brief listing of the events this year that will make May one of my personal faves of all time:
1.) This year my mom will turn 59 on May 7 and she is here in California and doing well. We're going to celebrate by having cheesesteaks and brownies.
2.) This is the month the Muppet becomes a mom, if she would just get off her lazy ass and give birth already! Also, this month Muppie gets to celebrate Mother's Day and that is pretty spesh, if you ask me!
3.) Mother's Day - another occasion I get to spend with my mom rather than shipping off a card and a present. I bought a few special things so we can celebrate the way we usually do, just without all the pesky gluten that has been complicating both our lives for some time now!
4.) It's Irene's birthday month! AND! It's Meghan's birthday month, too! AND AND! Her mom, sister, niece and nephew are all making the trip to L.A. to celebrate with her. They are among the cutest babies I have ever encountered, so I'm sure I will have an incredible time with them when I accompany them to -
5.) DISNEYLAND! I haven't been since I was 11, so I'm looking forward to going with Meghan and her family and also riding some rides. I still believe in fairytales, so you can imagine how pumped I am!
6.) May 27, 2008 - the date Hana Pestle's EP is FINALLY released! Several years and much effort has gone into the finished product, but most evident is the level of Hana's talent. If you're in the L.A. area on this date, she will be playing at her EP Release Party, to be held at the Hotel Cafe. It's going to be kickASS!
7.) It's also my Dad's birthday this month!
8.) And then there's Memorial Day, which means a long weekend! YAY!
9.) May is also time for me to get in shape! I will be meeting MFDC's entire tribe in late June and flabby arms just will NOT do.
10.) Stimulus Checks! I am very much anticipating being stimulated by the federal government this month, and that is probably the first and last time I will ever say that.
So, those are just 10 of the reasons why this month should RAWK. And now for a trip down Memory Lane. Here I am in Kindergarten at the May Day celebration about 25 years ago. Already I was among one of the tallest kids in the class. And as the only girl in my family, I was already very good at making sure the attention was on me AT ALL TIMES. Some things just never change. PS - I'm the one wearing the prettiest dress. HEE HEE!

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