The bike is, of course, courtesy of MFDC. He had been playing with the idea of getting a bike since he's moving studios and the new location is a mile from our house. Inspired by the Bermans, we both did a significant amount of online research (natch) and ended up discovering a bike shop also very close to our house. This past Saturday, when it was hotter than the devil's armpit, we drove to the shop, chatted with the salespeople, test drove a couple different bikes and ultimately decided on two Raleigh "hybrid" bikes.
I think the hybrid part means you can take it on a trail and also use it for commuting. They appealed to us because we're both tall and the hybrids were taller than the typical commuter bike.
Anyway, looking my gift horse in the mouth, I was all, "Can I get a basket? Can I get a bell? Can I have a headlight, too?" Of course, my gift horse, who has yet to learn how to master the skill of REFUSING me anything I've ever asked him for, agreed to let me pimp out my bike and, as you can see, it's glorious. The basket is removable and is the exact size of a Trader Joe's brown grocery bag! And the bell rules, of course. It says, "I heart my bike" on it, and I really do!
MFDC's bike is pretty snazzy in its own right. Here's your first look at the other new addition to the family, Speedy:

This bike is only slightly different from mine. For one, it's a men's bike. Duh. Can YOU picture MFDC letting his fine ass get anywhere near a GIRL'S bike? Yeah. Exactly. Second, it has front shocks. Mine does not, and I am nowhere near experienced enough with bikes to notice a difference. I love the Fire Engine Red of this bike, though!
Of course, we (and by "we" I mean, "MFDC" and by "MFDC" I mean, "by way of MasterCard") purchased all the requisite accessories before leaving the bike shop except MFDC's bike helmet. Helmets are not required for adults in the state of CA, but we're so non-athletic and anxious to spend the rest of our lives together without having to change the other's diaper before our time, that they were a necessity for us. I picked a blue one that isn't too obnoxious. MFDC had to leave the shop helmetless because of his giant cranium.
You know what they say about giant craniums, right? Oh, yeah. That's right. You know it. Possible hydrocephalus.
MFDC is pretty freaking smart, though, so I have a feeling his giant head is just giant due to his giant brain. Anyway, the shop didn't have Giant Bike Helmets, so we had to order one online. I was able to ride my bike (shakily) home from the shop and had so much fun doing it. I was freeeeeeeee!
Once MFDC's Helmet for Giant Craniums arrived, we hit the road with abandon, taking sidewalks AND streets. I KNOW! Where previously we stuck close to the back streets of our neighborhood, we now had the means to travel the 3/4 mile to the Philly Cheesesteak shop on Lankershim with the deep, peaceful knowledge that if we got nailed by a car, there was a strong possibility we'd avoid a diapered existence.
And SPEAKING of diapers!!! Since his parents are so busy figuring out how to be parents and catch a snooze whenever possible, I am taking it upon myself to introduce to the world J4, aka, Teddy, born on Mother's Day at 11:11 p.m. Please send his new parents, Muppie and J3, restful, calming vibes once you're done falling in with this brand new little peanut:

And FINALLY, the Muppet wasn't the only productive female that fateful weekend! I managed to finish this thing:


My talent knows no bounds.
Dude. Seriously. Your talent does not know any bounds! J3 and I are marveling over you work. Incredible!!!
Congrats on the bike purchases. I hope you two ride them more than we ride the bikes we bought last summer. Well...at least more than I do.
And thanks for introducing the world to J4/Teddy. He is very excited to love up on you next weekend!
I'm off to take a nap! xoxoxo
Ooh - the bike is beautiful! I love the purple and I have the same basket and the same bell!
The dresser is gorgeous too. I would have never thought before and after were the same piece.
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